About US Rifle Grenades

I wish that the US anti tank rifle grenades(m9a1) weren’t limited to just the m1 Garand. I also wish that the frag grenades weren’t just limited to the m1903 Rifle and the M1 Carbines, since almost all of the US Rifle Grenades were basically interchangeable between the different launchers. Would also be really cool if we could have the option in the future of more types of grenades, maybe such as smoke, or even better, white phosphorus.

Another mechanic that doesn’t make much sense to me, is that we can’t shoot normally with the launcher attached on the m1 carbine or the Springfield, as historically, this was only a problem with the m1 Garand, because the gas system that was connected to the op rod was disabled when it’s M7 launcher was attached. The m1 Carbines didn’t have that problem, you could leave the launcher on the barrel all day, and shoot right through it. It’s just a hollow tube. Same thing with the Launcher for the Springfield. So my proposal is to just have the launchers for the carbine and the Springfield attached perminantly, since there is really no reason to have to attach it ever time I want to launch a grenade. The same mechanic could probably be applied to the kar98k launchers for Germany, and so on…


I understand why you suggest this but personally I really like that we need to mount the launcher. Simply because I have never seen something like that and I think it’s cool.


I like the idea, if it goes a head then they should look at scopes for different guns too


I just need them to lower the Garand launcher to level 3
The United States is the only camp that does not have level 3 anti-tank grenade rifles

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Yeah, but it would save you some time if all of a sudden a tank shows up.

New scopes would be neat. I think it’s odd that they let us take scopes off of some guns, and don’t let us put them on other guns that the same scope would work with. The M81 Scope from the m1C Garand could fit on the m1903a4 sniper as an example.