⭐ About the new progression and matchmaking

Anyway the most thing to report is this

The new BR for the matchmaking need count exactly the avarage of player equipment, withaut put him aganaist high-end user because him is using 1 single end-game veichle or gun


Tbh, I’d be overjoyed with such mm.

You could never seal club anymore (good thing) but would still have the leisure of using mixed and varied weapons for fun.

Win win.



well while you are collecting feedback here is few more

  • introduce campaign filter (or opt out) so that players are not forced to play certain campaigns or modes (make disclaimer that MM could take longer than normal)
  • in Q&A explain how conditional rating MM will work. how will conditional rating be calculated with examples and what are are variations (like ±1 rating or ±2 rating). it can be WiP with values that are not final, but just for community to get feel of the MM
  • in Q&A explain if it is possible to have historical battles if there are enough players and if MM will give preferential treatment to some campaigns depending on the equipped weaponry

I Have the idea pure historical battle are moved to costum game

i am afraid of abuse of average calculation. like if someone wants to play top end vehicle (like tiger 2), he can make 3 squads of basic infantry with e.g. kar98k. tiger 2 rating= 10, kar98k rating= 1, average rating of 4 squads = 3.25

also it needs to calculate only top 4 squads cause premium users could abuse average calculation even further with 10 squads.

i know, but i want to know if game will prefer historical setting if most of the equipment matches e.g. moscow or will it be totally random


there is a high chance some equipment will cease to exist on moscow maps
like mkbs

theres also a chance isnt based on points added up. so a player with more “slots” ? if that will be a thing , will always count more points even with only rifles.

because they will be a high level weapon and most likely will go to normandy and berlin matches

as for customs, they aint as active because right now they dont offer much. once more options are present, they will have way more players.


It’s not perfect, true. Still the best alternative we have, thought…


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i mean wotan… over the last months didnt you ask for “this” ?
like more balance on the batles and less powercreap?
because then, only skill ill be the definitive factor. not the weapons or what is spammed.

or i m mistaking you for another person?

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Well this is easy to fix, we can add a simple rule that in both side there is be at least 1 veichle able to kill the other side veichle indipendentaly if is a plane or another tank

So who want use the tiger 2 need face player with veichle who can kill him even if him spam BA for lower his BR

True this need a lot of work, calculate f2p squad is easy but premium user need something else

could be better. weighted average would fix lots of imbalance. lets say that highest tier weapon will take 50% or 75% of the score. so in that case it would be something like 0.75x10 (for tiger 2)+0.25x1 (for 3 squads of kar98k) for a rating of 7.75. overall bigger the difference in rating between squads, higher weight should be attributed to highest rated weapon/vehicle to stop abuse.

what a joke, u think they will divide it that much with this playerbase?

but that doesnt fix the diferent pools of players or fix the grind…

thats what they are after to fix.

on our understanding, said guns will probably disapear from moscow maps. and will be queued on normandy or berlin only. and if a player chooses less powerfull guns, they will play moscow and so on.

yes. you can always add ±2 or ±3 condition for MM. so someone with 5 BR can be matched with someone in a match with 3BR or with someone with 7BR.

Wouldn’t mind something like that.

I’ll be happy as long as we can still find variety in match and use many different things for fun.

As long as it’s not meta only favouring.


yes. because it already happens with all the campaigns.

besides 6 campaigns with 12 sides to queue

will be 4 . so more players too pool equal equipment at any given time.

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dont forget 3 servers :slight_smile:

wat do you mean "4’ ? jesus

i find it also amazing the people, the same people that complain “no humans on my team” and always facing “fg’s and stgs” and “please introduce MM” are complaining on forum when this will fix alot for them and still provide a place for historical accuracy matches.

just funny to watch.