About the new perk system

First of all, I enjoy the merge a lot, I’m having a lot of fun. I think it is a great change to the game, but for me, the new perk system, is one of the few annoyances with the last update.

While it offers simplicity and a more streamlined experience, user friendly…the first limitation that requires you to spend 6 points in order to progress, hinder basic functionalities compared to the prior system.


Despite that the previous perk system was random, eventually you would acquire the perks of your preferred playstyle.

The necessity to invest the initial 6 points feels restrictive and punitive, this diminishes the overall experience by limiting meaningful choices.

Because you are forced to waste so many points on random nothingness, you give up freedom of choice. This goes in contrast with what the perk system use to represent. Personal choice to reflect your playstyle.

To resolve this issue, I recommend reducing the initial point requirement for the first set of unlocks from 6 down to 5 or even 4, providing players with increased agency. This is an easy fix, a minor change with positive big impact.

I would love to hear what is your experience with the new perk system. Does it feel harder for you to get what perk you had in the past?


I say remove the stupid requirement once for all, why do we need that anyway? I understand perks locked due to low level but if I have max out soldier I want to give him max perks I can.

also, green icon displays even if there’s no possiblity in getting a perk (eg. you have 1 point left and everything is 2+) I have headache over it.

perk cost should display when hovered over a perk or it should display somewhere near the perk, it’s hard to choose a perk then glance bottom right to see how much it costs.


There are so many scenarios where you are left with 3 points and cannot spend them in anything, pretty frustrating.


I agree the 6 point restrictions should only happen on tier1 solider. Since tier 1mean they are conscripted and have no training so they must learn war from war. But this restriction should not happen on high tier soliders. since they are considered as trained before going to front line

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this perk system is weird tbh like i want to discard my melee damage but it said the higher perk need it but wont tell me wtf this “high perk” is surely you dont need melee to reload

like why cant i discard melee this doesnt make any sense


apparently you have to spend 6 points on the first section of perks, you can’t discard melee because then you wouldn’t have 6 points spend, if you’d want to discard melee you’d need to spend points somewhere else on first section eg. crawling speed or holding breath.

so yeah, it sucks basically.


yea that is quite confusing tbh since some of my other squad dont even need to spend 6 point first in order to discard thing

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To add insult to injury:

If You had soldier pre merge that had only vitality perk - they already have best perk and don’t even have to spand those 6 points on early perks - meaning they can have unobtainable now perk combinations.

Use that argument as You will - might wanna play into how would players feel fighting against something they can’t anymore obtain argument they used about stalingead engineer with mkb.

I too want this stupid shit gonna, but some dev spend 1 hour coding it because some management thought it would increase silver spending for rerollin perks or some bs. They are so blinded by money they forgot game has to be good


yea i think it would be better if you dont need to use 6 perk to get the next tier since that is really unnecessary so someone (like me) can just wait and spend all my point on something useful like tanker reload perk

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I hate f2p games because of it, they develop features that are annoying enough to make you pay but not enough to make you quit, it feels like little needles sticking onto you.

I wish they focused more on making great games instead of monetizing everything possible.

Also I wish this game turn to pay to play or at least subscription based.

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God i hate it so much.

Can’t even be excited too much for new things, because i know there is always a big * which is money.
They only use good news to soften the blow from bad ones or new premiums

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I dont think their intention was to make you spend more. Problem is in the test servers you could go back and refund perks you didnt want, which I’m totally fine with. But then the live servers came out and had this “oh now you cannot discard”. A lot of people would have seen the problem with the system if we had it from the start like this.

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I now have some guys with -1 leftover perk points, since stamina used to cost none.

Legacy soldiers ftw!


yea i have a couple of those myself

To be fair, I prepared accordingly thanks to the tests.

dam sadly i didnt know that this “cant discard cause higher perk need it” was a thing but oh well at least i have a few already good soldier

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I wasted a good 40 minutes experimenting with perks in test.

Goal was to give at least one 16 point perk to my riflemen 1. Doing so kept high perks unlocked… thus bypassing the minimum 6pts low perk unlock requirements.


tbh i just thought that i could wait till i max my soldier so i can just buy higher perk but then again i was more focus on br than perk but it all fine tbh since im a f2p and i can only use 1 tank so it not that bad (but it does hurt)

anyway do soldier still have random stat? i hope not

Ofc they have!

They want you to spend until you obtain perfect stats soldiers…

And can’t choose nationalities.

oh god…lucky i got some soldier before the merge