About the new P-51D-5

why are they introducing a fighter with two 500 pound bombs? its seems like such a strange decision to me to introduce a new fighter with 3-5 times the bomb load of almost all other fighters in game. especially right after they introduced 6 seperate fighters with not a single rocket or bomb between them in tunisia, in addition to 2 more in moscow.

i thaught they were intentionally giving fighters smaller bombloads to incentivise going for bombers instead of just bombing yourself. but the new P-51 just takes a complete 180 and gets a bombload rivaling that of the Bf 110 C-7 and IL-10

some people have aslo taken this as if the p-51 has rockets aswell. i thaught they just missread it since it seemed to be directed at the me 410. but looking at the picture, the P-51 actually has the same rocket mounts (? idk what its called) as the P-47. so i really hope thats just the people who modeled it being lazy

new P-51:



You know is normandy if we dont die every 10 sec for a bomb we cant play


I’d still take P-47 with HVAR. Bomb not worth that much after the nerf if you want to kill infantry. Still good for tank pounding, tho.


its a fighter and will presumably take the fighter 2 squad. and if so you can use both


Ah, I see. cant bring more than 1 vehicle squads for me.


rip. i pray for you and our free to play brethren, so that one day you may be able to bring multiple vehicles without paying :pray:


Actually, maybe it’s a “bomber” plane?
It’s “counterpart” is Me.410 A1/U2 and I doubt they will make it a fighter plane.

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I’m surprised everyone missed it, too. Bombs of course are not very strong now, but still this fighter will carry half the bombs of the A-20.
Recall that the bomb load of the Bf-109 was reduced from one 250kg bomb to four 50kg bombs

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No, on level 27 we got a fighter from the Axis and a bomber from the US.
Now the equilibrium is being restored so that everyone has an equal number of planes of each class.
The P-51 will be a fighter and that is odd

from what i can tell its a fighter since its a p-51
and also this :point_down:

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Ah, yes. Now I noticed the description.
Well, that sucks.

That nerf was stupid especially with the jumbo.

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Over response to the Panther

What do you mean with jumbo?

That the bf109 could’ve been a great counter for the jumbo

honestly wouldnt even surprise me if thats what it was


Maybe, but it sounds like a stupid design to me. Give the U.S. a powerful bomber, but why suddenly have a fighter with a bunch of bombs that allows you to do a suicide carousel and throw them endlessly if you’re on defense.


It is

But devs can’t balance normandy properly it seems


I admit and don’t mind the U.S. having an air advantage if the Axis tanks are better.
But still, a fighter must remain a fighter.
The Axis got a useless Me that is almost indistinguishable from the Bf110

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They have to remove class spam now us player can kamikaze spam A-20,P47,P51 without problems