About new bp

Did they like hint at it in one of the post or something? Cause tbh this week have been chaotic as hell for me so I don’t remember anything

As far as I know… No, BP wasn’t mentioned at all.

I hope they’ll at least start putting vehicle decals to BP.


Hmm ok then I’m gonna take a guess and I think it could be BA related but unlikely

Haven’t found anything new in editor so this season will be most likely extended.


Like always


When is current BP supposed to end (with the hypothesis it sticks to it’s advertised deadline)?

I really didn’t pay attention to it this time around…

I think it ends in less than 20 days (about 17 days?)

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Maybe it’s time to open a bet
I guess they will delay at least a month this time to prepare those so-called exquisite contents
(Including but not limited to junk gold cards, worse silver coin conversion mechanism, almost impossible to draw the main reward veteran box, forcing serious players to eat shit with a group of monkeys in a bad map or mode)

it has 21 days left

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My money’s on 2-3 weeks, but not a full month

anyway i forgot to ask this yesterday but is there a pattern with bp? like how usually it 2 weapon GO then vehicle GO

is there pattern for weapon as well? (as in which weapon class will be add later)

They usually add the new bp stuff couple days before it gets announced