About Cosmetics - 200€ for 1 squad?

If i understood correct, we have 6 cosmetic presets for each solder, so i need to buy the cosmetic 6 times if i want that one soldier to look as i want him for every game i play?

That is around 21 tokens or 630g for 1 soldier just for 1 of the 6 presets. Now i have to pay that 6 times just to make him look like i want him for all campaigns?
That is 126 tokens or 3780g just for 1 soldier…

Now if i wanted a full squad, lets pick my 77th inf regiment, i always have them in my line up, they would make a good candidate for this, it have 7 soldiers.

To customize that squad for all maps will cost me 882 tokens or 26.460 Gold, that is 200€.

Please, tell me i got this wrong or that this is in a rework progress.


Official company response:
Also remember that you loose all your stuff if you want to change/remove the soldier.


wow, that is sad… it just means that i will not be using this feature then.

You don’t. Customization is no longer tied to the soldier.

It’s an idiotic system, there have been countless suggestions and if nothing is changed it’ll only get worse with the addition of new maps/“campaigns”.
This is my suggestion:

Really? I must have missed something then.

basically yes.
currently only germany br3 would need presets for 6 campaigns. i would wait for them to unify same weather ouftits (like stalingrad and moscow), since they announced they will do so.

Yes, but actually now. That’s case only if you are playing BR3 Germany.
In majority of cases, your soldier can go only to ±2 campaigns. Especially if you are using legacy squads for different BR lineups.

But it is true that customization is extremely overpriced and not really worthy atm.
Customization overall is in desperate need of complete overhaul.


cometic is a scam dont spend money on it at all

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