About Berlin train station map

This map is a piece of shit for soviet. As the defender, the first four point are located on wide open areas without shelters(in most situation). Which means that the soldiers at the point could be easily wiped out by mortars artilleries and planes, the last and the second last point are in-door area but it doesn’t make sense as the Germans can attack from any where. Compared to the other map in Berlin there are at least two points that were in-door and have limited ways to attacked.

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And your suggestion is?

This affect attacker too you know. Plus they have to cross the road when T34 bombard them from the station.

It’s hard for attacker too, considering axis have less active player than allies in Berlin.
But, imo, it’s one of my favorite maps.

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Attackers need to capture the same open areas and can be destroyed by bombs, arty, mortars and tanks in the same way as defenders.

Well, then you just got outplayed. Attackers spawn in one place, same as you. But if they are able to use rally points and flanks then why it is a bad thing? Battles are more interesting when there aren’t two teams running against themselfs in one straight line.

map with many ways to the point, which allow to use some tactics, flanks and sneaky rally points >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meatgrinder maps with few routes to the point

Also, what is the suggestion here?


Every time i play as soviets on Bahnhof we crush the Germans. They can’t even leave their spawn almost and if they do they have like 50 or 100 tickets left and can’t do anything lol.

On this I also agree(I am 29 level user in Berlin Germany). If attack team succeed in attacking 1 base, It is really easy to cap 2~5 base. If attack team take a detour, attack team can easily cap the “2-3” base. And the “4-5” base can easily take a detour and hide at the train station (left or middle underground) and destroying the enemy’s spawn building and easily cap. Unfortunately, however, most attack teams do not know how to take a detour… And they didn’t know how to build spawn building. Photographs are examples of such users. It’s not that the attack is difficult, but that people are not good at attack train station…

It’s not great but it’s at least better than AF or any the beach maps in Normandy

This map still has the brokenly fast cap times from the time the campaign was first released making it hard to defend especially when the first 3 caps are so open.

i did a small stream test today on berlin maps.

the train station its actually the first one i did play testing my new computer. had a sound issue around the 7 min mark that i already fixed , so i intend to stream as i play everyday from now on :smiley:

Its a fun map. well designed and worth alot when the atack actually works.
the only point thats a pain is the first one , if, the team doesnt make an effort to push.
its actually a point that takes seconds to be captured. probably the fastest in the game to do so.

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well first I apologize for sending this message in suggestion section, it should be in the mess room originally.
as for suggestion, I think that the defender should had at least a firm point like Goebbels house or something else. The problem is that the attacker is more difficult to be detect then the defender, which means that attackers can just fire directly in to the point, but defenders always need to estimate that where the attackers come from.