So I don’t really play public matches that much so I don’t know if you can vote kick people on the enemy team on a public match. But I know you can’t on a private match and really it pisses me off. Like I want to be in my private match alone. It’s private for a reason! Now a lot of people Will set the enemy team to Japan because not a lot of people main Japan but I find that to be no use I’m br IV but play like I’m BR II so it really aggravates me when some br V Japan main joins my lobby and I can’t do anything about it!
Just pay premium is that easy
Lol no
is there no way to password lock a private match?
There is but I don’t want to buy premium
simpler would allow locking for non premium members, or for BP buyers, or for people who have previously bought premium before (I think I did once)
thats a premium feature? doubt theres much chance of getting anything else then sadly
But @Lthiddensniper suggestion is a nice compromise I think, though we are at the mercy of the devs for that one.
Unfortunately it is, but I totally agree with him as well
Imagine wanting to kick the enemy for playing better than you.
some people here are ridiculous…
I’m better than 87% of the people who join. Im just saying it’s kinda annoying when I’m trying to play by myself!
Just to put a impossible pass word to guess
Yeah that was my first thought, but thinking about it more, if you just wanna mess about with a mate in a PvE setting, that could be frustrating.
Not to mention I’m all for more player freedoms. This would only be for private games ofc.
yeah my thought, but apparently thats a premium only feature.
Or create a room with just one person limit
No. Then there would be a lot of false kicking. If it was votekick only your teammates, I still wouldn’t like it but at least it would be more logical than just kicking the top fragger on the enemy team to secure an easy win.
It’s not to have a easier win. It’s just because I want to play the game by myself!
You should probably clarify you point to be only for private games
So you want to kick someone for just joining a game? Well let’s say there’s 3 real players in your game. Good luck kicking all 3 of them.
And if there is only 2 players in the game, then it doesn’t make sense to give that one person the ability to kick everyone from the game and abuse their power.
Sped, I know its not clear here, but he does mean only for a privately hosted game, but since he cant password protect his own game as a thats a prem feature, this is what he would like as a countermeasure.
Thank you for explaining that to him!