Ability to have 2 presets for each squad, Offense and Defense

As many people, myself included have pointed out, it is a regular occurrence for defenders and attackers not having the equipment they may need (such as certain types of mines or even certain weapons) due to going into games at random, and never knowing if they will be offense or defense.

Create an additional tab for squad outfitting that let’s you create loadouts according to whether you are on offense or defense.

  • Equipment used on offense can also be used for the defense tab, it would NOT require you to buy extra weapons if intend to use the same one for both

  • In the event of going into a game of Confrontation or Conquest, where there is no dedicated offense or defense, you would be given the choice at the start of the match to choose between “offense” or “defense” loadout. Once chosen, it cannot be changed for the remainder of the game.

Ultimately this will help encourage players to specialize more for their team’s role that game, instead of having a “one size fits all” mentality, which leads to boring OP metas being used in excess.


@EdVanSchleck I know I tag you a lot, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.

This type of topic has already been made.

Defense and attacker loadout - Suggestions - Enlisted


Hi, I’ve forwarded this already.


And don’t be sorry for tagging me LMAO :rofl:

I disagree. You can pretty much adapt to any situation no matter what your loadout is

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Well yes and no.
I forwarded it to the devs because I think the core idea of it, is pretty good. I don’t use all my squads in the 10 slot layout depending if I defend or attack. For a player, it’s a waste of squad slots and I already have 10 slots. So imagine someone with less.
On the other hand, I am not so sure if this will become a thing as it granda a player to, technically, use more slots effectively. So it takes away a bit the constructive thinking “what do I take as a load out”.
But all in all, a good suggestion.

Preset is always welcome

That in and of itself is an issue though.

Just using mines as an example, though certain grenade types, vehicles, and other weapons can have different uses according to offense and defense.

Currently a lot of players don’t use AT mines. A portion of the problem is that they are so situational and are only REALLY good on defense. So players that don’t have a full 10 slots are less likely to have them equipped as they aren’t as versatile as perhaps TNT or AP mines.

In a similar manner, TNT mines are really only good against maybe tanks as defenders (though I REALLY think there are a few key changes they could make to TNT to make them much better). Meanwhile, on offense they are extremely good for breaking through large amounts of fortifications simultaneously.
I keep at least one Rifleman squad handy, sometimes two, just for the mines and numbers capability. If this suggestion were to go through, I would be able to equip defenders with AP/ AT mines, while as offense I could use TNT charges to help push objectives.

It capabilities like that which I think would be very helpful for the game.

… My buddy wanted me to also mention tanks as an example.
Some tank squads have heavier duty tanks that are better for pushing, and some tanks that are lighter armor but good for setting up flanks (as with Normandy). So by being able to choose which you have according to offense or defense could really help to change up some metas.

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I hate that the forum no longer has an “edit post” button.

Anyways, my point on:

Is that with the current system it pushes players to only take meta gear that is outright broken on overall game balance, just because you never know what situation you will be put in (offense or defense).

So by doing it this way, it will allow more effective strategies in the separate roles.