I dont want to have like 60 AP shells when there isnt a tank 24/7 in a match, but would rather be able to choose with a slider because HE is more effective against soldiers than AP.
Also, it might be good idea to adjust mechanic of switching between shells in battle. Right now, you need to issue order to load switch shell type before you fire, if you order to switch between shell types after you fire (but reloading is in the process), first shell type is still being loaded.
Proposal: adjust this mechanic to work same way as in war thunder that is, its possible to switch between shell types during the process of loading another shell, but switching it would reset reload time.
The way changing shells as they are now is in need of improvement, making it like its in war thunder is better, but it would be much better if you could change the shell even after its loaded, why waste an AP shell on infantry just because its in the barrel and the same around for tanks.
well historically most of the guns were not able to be “unloaded”, so that would make no sense.
fair enough IF the vehicle didnt have the feature, but in the future when we’ll most likely have automatic cannons with belts or magazines, it should be an option when possible.
i do not think there will be such vehicles as the vehicles with dual belt designs are all from at least the cold war and as it stands now, enlisted is WW2 only.
many german autocannons used magazines or clips, 40mm bofors used clips and some russian autocannons as well from ww2. Also i doubt that the developers are planning to keep it ww2 only since there is an rpk in one of the icons in logistics.
Those weapons feed from a single magazine or belt, that soleley uses 1 ammunition type unless they are plane belts. They would not allow the user to select the diffrent ammo type as the ammo type is predetermined by the magazine or belt as a whole. In comparison, the M3 Bradley uses a dual feed system that allows quick swapping between 2 belts on a whim, which is why it can change ammo type between shots. WW2 tech does not have such features.
Actually its an RPD, 100-round belt. Never saw combat in WW2, deployed in insignificant numbers in 1945 for trials, but never frontline service. So we may have experimental weapon but still ww2 themed.
They could do the double tap like in WOWS where you tap the desired shell twice within a short time and it reloads the second shell without firing.