Ability to change squad & class icons inside custom profiles with custom pngs

another week, another “small” suggestion.

and that is,

main suggestion

let players be able to switch squad icons [ex,]

"squadId" : "ussr_berlin_engineer_1",


"squadId" : "%ugm/luftwaffe_icon.png",

and, perhaps, as a new node within soldiers;

"soldierIcon" : "%ugm/commander_icon.png",


well, the reasons may vary, but for me,

  • being able to reuse the same squad icon

“fun” fact, if you try to give the same squad id to two or more squads, the game will correctly display the icon and recnogize each squads, but you will not be able to play them. only the first with the squad id will be available.

the others, will be locked.
i guess ( and found out ) the game doesn’t like having the same squad being reused more than once.


  • being able to use custom icons

to include for example,

  • historical units that are not present currently in enlisted,
    ( for example, actual brandemburg division, icons for partisans, icons for specific type of units )

  • fictional hand made icons for armies ( for personal flavor ), or invented type of units.

it may sound a bit vague, but for example, being able to have more than 3 icons for modern squads ( as… currently we only have 3 ).


  • being able to create apply other non ww2 related type of icons.

( in my case, as i’m making a police mod, it would be great to change their icons to be anything else but white shields or… any ww2 related squad )

same goes for squad icons

it would be great being able to change the class icon to a new one, for hand made classes

( for example, berserker. which will only have melee. hence, i’d like to put a custom shovel icon. commander, which it’s essentially a radioman but with automatic weapons and several additional perks. and many, many others )

and that is all.

thanks for listening to me.


Is it possible to do this?