A system different from the current bombing system should be sought

Regarding bombing, it should not be readily available to anyone who has a communications soldier, but a different approach should be sought.
For example, how about placing a radio in one location in the base that can be used to direct the bombing, with a cooldown time of about 5 minutes per bombing?
The problem is the campers who stick to the radios, but why not place them in the middle of the combat zone?
The radio is available to both sides and there will be a fight over it.
It also allows an ideal front line to be built naturally.


I would like to make one more suggestion.
This is Isonzo’s bombing interface.
Each has its own cooldown time, allowing for a quick cooldown for a series of small-scale bombings. When bombing on a large scale, you have to wait for a long cooldown
In addition, a conventional communications soldier can set only the points he wants bombed, as in Isonzo, and the final supporting attack is made by a large radio.

Finally, for a wide variety of radio-supported attacks, you may want to refer to these system.


Plane should be AI only and the tank limit should be 3 per team, currently enlisted air to air combat is a joke figther are never used withaut bomb and cas are intelligent missle


Just make plane bullet more effective against infantry.

So you can “Viooooouuuuummmmm tatatatatata! Viooooouuuuummmmm tatatata!” Infantry.

At the end the only usefull fighter and bomber are in Normandy, and that’s why Normandy is the superior campaign. It master every aspect of Enlisted: infantry, plane and tank.

Why are you talking about planes? It’s a radio topic.

Bomber is a plane

Good joke, wait im gonna bombing you with my figther with two 250kg bomb

I think the radio artillery support needs to use some resource system to limit, similar to the engineer resources for engineers, similar to the soul points in CRSED, or players can only call specific shelling by spending scrolls, this will avoid the abuse of players, and everything will change be more strategic

Players must complete specific tasks or make specific contributions in the game to obtain these command points for calling artillery support in different types. Such a system would be scalable, allowing the development team to add more types of radio support to the game

It’s just something the development team did. Or their colleagues in the next room did.


Radio Operator should split all gained XP and share it with complete Team,
He sit safe in the Corner from the Map and only double Click the complete Match.
Soldiers fight and do the real Job

Artillerie should only be there for Team-help
a Veteran Radio Camper makes the same XP like a Frontfighter.

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Correction a veteran radio-camper play only battle wen he can hit something with the support attack, a battle wen the enemy is to dispersed and flank is an instant quit for him, i bet camper need 3 or 4 months to do 26 level

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I would not change anything in the way as the artillery works.

Even if someone is camping the whole match, then how many kills he would get for calling the artillery every 30 sec ? - max. 40- 60 kills.

NOT impressive.

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its not the fact he gets no kills its the fact A lot of players hog radio usage and never use smokes only arty and spam the same location 20 times. They need to have a resource to spend per person so they cant just keep spamming it unless they are helping the team; also smoke arty shouldn’t be the same cool down as normal arty.


Ehhh cross the intelligent out

Are more intelligent missile than the russian one give this to them

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Not if you consider their blocking and stunning abilities

Welcome to WW2. Wait, you thought they had just fighters without rockets or bombs?

Artillery is fine. except the carpet bombing thing, that is just absurd and shouldnt exist outside of city warfare, so shouldn’t exist in tunisia, moscow, normandy or pacific

Well if you add a figther for counter a CAS, explain me wy you add bomb to him and convert him in a CAS

Enlisted air to air is practically inexistent if you ask me