A suggestion to start reading issues

How about starting actually responding to the issues people posts? The issues forum is filled with unresolved posts which have 0 replies. I see no sense in posting anything there when it all gets ignored.

-Tens of outifits that dissapeared after the Merge still weren’t given back or refunded.
-Hats and helmets are still flying around the map instead of being fixed on the head properly.
-Planes are still disappearing and you have to play as crazy frog.
-Ha-Go tank can only use cannon despite having a machine gun which remains unusable.
-Italians still use German clothing on almost every campaign despite having their own suitable clothes already which only need a small color change
-Knives still cannot kill anyone in a downed state
-Climbing to get through windows is still bugged
-Its almost impossible to move AT cannon around still

Those are just my issues, but people have posted ten times more than it. When those things will finally get fixed?


Yeah. Me too. I have posted some of these issues multiple times as well. They keep releasing all these patches and I don’t see most of these things getting addressed. I hope the moderators are forwarding these problems to the developers.


pobrany plik

It is almost a month and Thompson M1921/28 (best SMG of Allies) cannot be upgraded.


Also a lot of people ask for a better separate BR, I guess the developers want to see the game die :thinking: :face_exhaling:

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