A suggestion about events

As of now there is one way to finish events score and one way to finish daily tasks in the battle pass.

What of a fusion of the two choosing one or the other or perhaps both, let me explain.

Option one you get the score or finish the tasks and you either get the even segment filled or that chunk of the battle pass.

Or b tasks are worth a certain amount of points meaning you can finish some of the tasks and score some of the points.

This would alloy a player to a choose to play the game there way but longer, or go for a quicker but more bitter path.

Just sick of the people who are like yes can I play less of the game less often and get rewards.

Why, you hate the game why do you want to play it at all I could see if it was a little less but like a quarter as much or less so what like an hour or four a week.

You don’t like the game, and no I don’t mean you need to play it 15 20 hours a week it’s not a part time job.

But if an hour a day is too much or two every two day ,huhh. Yes the daily grind is a bit much but then it should be more at the end of the week.

So like the current event 20k time seven, 140k if you don’t do it bi daily 250k by the end of the week. Option a play as intended d or play more when you choose.

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Yes, next question.