A ruling on the “Not a step back!” event

You paranoic…

if anything,

this should teach devs to not rush competitive events when the campaign has barely been released.

outside the fact that people are mad at cheaters ( which i don’t really have simpathy for them, but not to a point of ongoing on a cancellation campaign against individual forum members like happened to hans ) , you guys should have seen that one coming.

you can’t really complain about the playerbase when you folks allowed this situation to happen in the first place.

sure, again, no exscuses for those who uses exploits.

but if you maybe allowed a whole month or even more of time for actual testers to test thing maybe things could have gone differently.

so yeah, i’m surprised people care about this event in the first place when it was somewhat rigged and not so well thought.

but hey, those are just my opinions.


Lmao, you trully are dilusional if you think im paraniod because i have proof you used mods in the event, AND if you think other players don’t know you were also, lol, you are a lowlife dirtbag because of the facts, you cheat AND lie. You probably lick your leaders boots too lol

i stop discussing about this…im tired. leave me alone…and stop spam forum. give proofs atleast i wanna see this fake

Umm, you keep replying to me, im just replying back, if you don’t want to discuss any further simply dont reply lol, i already suggested you quit replying earlier lol. Look in the mirror, YOU ARE THE FAKE.

So you accuse him publicly, you said about having a proof, yet you didn’t show any of that and keep telling your story. Maybe he was using “mods” (whatever you mean by that) or maybe not, but there is something like “innocent until proven guilty”, so either stop accusing this guy or show us your “proof” first.

I hate false accusation as not so long ago one guy called me a cheater in game chat about 2 minutes after battle has started and I didn’t know why. When I asked him what is going on, he told me that I must be cheating because in previous battle (where I was on the other side, Allies Normandy) I bombed at least 2 times about 10-15 enemies each time, so I must be using something to see them. Well guess what, I’ve been using A-20 with 4 x 500 lbs bombs, bombing the most obvious flat open space between main spawn points and capture point where everybody is going through that field (also often people build rally points there).

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Its like this, i wont release it publicly because it would reveal method of obtaining proof and i dont want cheaters figuring out a way to block it, but as i said before i will be willing to to share it with the devs, but they are already aware, they dont need MY proof.

Further, there aren’t any so called false accusations. If you want proof for youself watch him streaming and see how as soon as he turns in direction of a foe and almost instantly the foes dies almost every time he shoots, EVEN at GREAT DISTANCES. This is one way ANYONE can tell if someone is using some type of mod.

Another tale tale sign is being able to look at stats, while this by no means proof, it is an indicator of something going on and warrants a examination, but sadly this game only has stats publicly in events. And the devs pulled them down from last event for unknown reasons without any explanation.

The reason this subject means so much to me is for one i really enjoy playing enlisted FAIRLY, second, i invested ALOT of time into that event and was consistently thwarted from obtaining a better score BECAUSE of CHEATERS, thats right plural, more than one. I have zero problem with losing fairly but it is extremely frustrating when you try your best just have your efforts be meaningless because of dishonest cheating low lifes. You may or may not have noticed but the devs removed said person from the stats leader board more than once, but he kept getting put back in, i can only speculate that they were having programming issues because no explanation was offered and im guessing thats why they removed the stats leader board from being displayed after the event was over, after all, the last events leaderboard was displayed for months.

Look at this brave guy…who spend so many time fighting against enemies. You deserve that…i provide you medal for honor)) when you se my artbombers you know - that work Hoo.


Lmao, if you say so, grasping for straws i see lol

also :

the events need to be with exacly the same weapons like the unknown weapon and somehow like modern event. (pre selected weapons avaiable equaly)
blue vs red type of game.

they just need to set the same weapons on a fake campaign with what ever maps and run it
so both teams are equal on weapons so everyone can play both sides and still have a chance.


Why would they make competitive sport event from the game not designed this way in the first place?
Last two events with all shortcomings you could at least play within your regular frame - completing daily missions, advancing your teams, earning silver etc.

Making artificial world of whatever from this is futile. You still won’t achieve total equality and will play completely different game with different rules, isolated from Enlisted. And for what? Even on console, where cheating is much harder due to uniform and controlled environment we still have endless accusations.

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these events are great for finding exploits. If there is a way to stay on top, ppl will do basically anything.
-Dont blame the player, blame the game : )

then they proceed to admit fault

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If we think about something like what you said, I don’t think you have to invent something completely new. It could be, for example, an infantry bolt-action only event. Everything else is disabled. That would be similar to what you say, but you don’t have to reinvent the game for it.
But the current system can also be good, I just think a few things need to change:

  • Inappropriate campaign. These are always used for promotional purposes in new campaigns, although this should not be the case. Stalingrad was everything, just not suitable. He was already struggling with the balance problem. The rally points were strongly in favor of the defenders, who can often still be built into the same building as the cap point. Moscow or Normandy are best suited for this. They have a “big” and overall fairly high player base. There are also problems, but they are much smaller.
  • Console. If it stays that way, even blue vs red won’t help. Because if you allow cross-play to be turned off, it will always be like that. If banned, most consoles would just suffer. In my opinion, we need two leaderboards. Consoles and PCs can play together, they shouldn’t be denied this, but the one leaderboard system does not work.
  • Rules. There are a couple, but I would just like to highlight one now. Example: as you said before, time is a factor here. But it appeared to the defender as a negative effect if he persevered until the enemy rp point ran out. After a while, in vain I had 7-8 thousand points, as it took up to 20 minutes for the enemy to run out, it was a useless battle. And half of the game is on defense, someone is always defending. That kind of thing needs to change.
  • Reward. The profile picture and name decoration is nice, but most people don’t care. Mostly not temporary. You need something valuable in the game that even a simple f2p player feels worth fighting for. What is valuable in the game? Orders, boosters, camos (vehicle, weapon), uniqe weapons, etc. The medal and the rest are not.

There would be a few more little things, and these four can be better explained, but this is already a long writing.
But one thing is for sure, if everything stays that way, the next event won’t be any less catastrophic.


I participated in at least 4 of the event battles and did not unlock the participation rewards. Bet other Xbox players are in the same boat.

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Playstation looks same i Guess.

Yep no participation medal on my account yet.