A regular day of Allies in Normandy aka matchmaking on EU servers

Please do something about matchmaking, it is making it more and more difficult to like the game when our only options are to either team up or keep on deserting until there is at least a bit more fair fight. Something like Team v Team, Gold v Gold, Silver v Silver would be nice, or really anything that would prevent situations like the one pictured here. Just so the teams can get a bit more balanced. Thank you for your attention and enjoy your holidays :slight_smile:

Don’t suffer, quit, and find another batle.

Untill they do something, don’t fill your frustration cup.

Grinded normandy alies fully yesterday, playerbase is Srs lacking there, and it’s such a powerfull campaign to play.

Sadly most low rank players there… Sadly.
Maybe one day people realise how broken us is.

Lots of fun with m2 carbine and a6 MG… P47 still best plane in-game,
M2 still best cqc weapon
A6 MG still best squad destroyer weapon ingame

Imo, ofc


If only more ppl understood this…

It’s a game. Enjoy yourself. If you don’t enjoy yourself, something is wrong, so you have 2 choices to retain sanity:

  • desert and find a match that suits YOUR preferences and fun.

  • take a lil break from the game and come back later.

Those willingly enduring abuse of unfun matches, being xp cows for the enemy, for a false sense of what

Recognition on the internet? Pride?

Well those are just fools.


I m yet to understand the need to prove a point no one asked.

“I m better than you coz I did win against you” then what?

It’s a casual game ffs

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It is.

Yet sadly many don’t get it somehow.

Like you I believe into just playing for fun. If the match is not fun to me, I’ll leave.

My time playing is limited so I just want to make the best of it :person_shrugging:

Yet some come around and say “if you don’t do this this way like I do, it’s because you su**” I’m quite tired of those…

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Well, they can’t unlock new stuff by not playing or endlessly deserting - devs didn’t add the exp earnings for both sides, as I suggested some time ago:

So it’s either masochism or giving up on certain factions.


Honestly just do what I do… don’t touch it with a 40 foot pole play axis same with berlin play allies. These factions are just hell because they are only filled with AI.

Less xp for losing matches so its easier to dessert early and getting steam rolled isn’t fun especially when you realize your entire team is just bots.

If only the merge fixed the matchmaking. This screenshot doesn’t even look that bad by today’s standards. just played a game again 5 generals of the army and the rest gold and my team consisted entirely of silver ranked players apart from me. Was absolute slaughter and lasted about 5 mins, this is not fun for either side and honestly ruins the game completely. It baffles me it has gotten this bad and it’s a disgrace to the concept. At this point i’d rather fight bots then be saddled with noobs against max ranked players with top tier vehicles and weapons. i don’t like to dessert but at this point it’s the only way to make it even barely enjoyable.

The thing is the fact it’s so common makes games even more likely to result in a unfun slaughter and it will kill the game eventually if they do not do something about it. Though, i have no faith in Gaijin since they are probably making enough of their questionable business practices.

I have started taking screenshots of the worst examples though i cannot post them on here for some reason.