A Persian new year event

So Persian New Year is only 5 days away and thought it would be a good idea to make a good even like Lunar New Year I am going to suggest 2 template for this event if devs want to do it

1- A simple event like Lunar New Year where we get a portrait and a decal

  • For decal
    A simple Grass patch in a vase like the image below it would be awsome if devs could make these decal have colors

well old Persians were an agricultural society and spring was important to them so they decided that start of spring would be their new year so everybody would know that its time to go and farm the patch of grass is a sign that spring is coming

  • For portrait I guess any portrait would work but if they can put real persons or they can put somewhat people resembling them then
    this guy is one of the 3 soldiers that stopped soviet 47 field army for 2 days( 48 hours 3guys against an entire army ) Im not gonna try to write his name I’m sure imma butcher it

2- An event that rewards gun well this is also simple lets just look at 2 guns

This unusual variant of the Suomi submachine gun was produced by Tikkakoski Arsenal circa 1934 for an Iranian contract. The designer of the Suomi KP/31, Aimo Lahti, reportedly had nothing to do with its development. This Iranian variant had a top-feeding magazine for unknown reasons, and was fitted with a bipod. Ultimately, the contract was prematurely cancelled before these guns could actually be delivered to the Iranian Army. Only a limited number of prototypes were made and attempts to sell these guns on the commercial market in the 1930s were unsuccessful.

These are your normal Suomis with just mags being flipped (same fire rate as suomi M-31 most likely but mag seems to be 20 round since 36 round would be longer but I wouldn’t mind if devs gave it 36 round)

  • M-98/29
    Persian muasers there was 2 variants carbine and normal long one

  • or if they feel fancy they could give an APC

Marmon-Herrington Trucks which were used before ww2 by Iranian army

  • and lastly there is always Persian Lugar

Really? But still better than that chinese event.

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