A Moscow axis guide

Many people seem to struggle with Axis moscow. So as a veteran moscow player with a moscow axis playtime of 7 days i will make a squad guide on Axis moscow.

My recommended squad lineup when reaching level 12: F2P
1st - Assaulter squads with MP40s, K98ks, and an MG13 (Must have engineer)

2nd - Engineer squad with MP40, K98ks. (Must unlock AT gun fast)

3rd - Sniper squad or Radio operator squad

4th - JU87 stuka squad, OR if bought with gold order PZIIIJ.

This squad composition allows the player to deal with any treat the soviets posses. A close range assaulter squad, a critical engineer squad to build rally points, and importantly the AT gun to counter the T50, a sniper squad for long range action or a radio operator squad for attacking and defending with ease.

For your assaulter squad you should focus on getting your MP40s fully upgraded, and equiping 2 grenades. An explosion pack and an m24 handgrenade. So you will have an AT grenade for those close engagements or a regular grenade with much better throwing range to clear out rooms before entering them.

Critically you must build ammo and rally points always. And AT gun to destroy T50s and other tanks

Squad lineup up to LVL26 FP2

1st Assaulter squad with again MP40s, MG34 and K98ks (You could take the G41 but the german semi-autos on moscow suck very much. A K98 will be useful at long, medium and close. But needs mastery ofcourse.)

2nd Flamethrower squad

3rd Gunner squad with MG34s or engineer squad.

4th PZ4E or JU87 (500kg) or PZIIIJ

This squad line up will help you both defend and attack objectives. The MP40s will be your primary choice( you could take MP35 if you prefer it, for me MP40 is better) for clearing close to medium range engagements. If you have your MP40s upgraded you can counter the russian SMGs if you are further away than 50m.

A flamethrower will be CRITICAL for clearing objectives, and sealing off entrances. Too many people sleep on this squad, for moscow axis it is necessary to counter all the russian SMG spam at close. But this weapon requires a lot of training just like in real life.

an MG34 squad will be also your best friend along with the MP40 and flamethrower.
Clearing a building - no problem. Defending objective - no problem.

PZ4E is very good at anti infantry but not as good against AT like the PZ3J. Personal preferance comes into play here.
The JU87 (500kg) Is a beast, killing any soviet tank at ease, infantry at ease. Make sure to actually divebomb for accurate drops

Squad lineup for lvl34

1st Assaulter squad with MP40s. the M38 is bad, only 20 rounds makes it a bad choice.

2nd Flamethrower squad FmW41

3rd Gunner squad or enginner squad

4th PZ4F1 or PZ3J or JU87 (500KG)

Mostly the same. The FmW41 will be your best friend for clearing large masses of infantry and objectives.

PZ4F1 or PZ3J is the same as the other.

The nr1 rule


And learn to use the flamethrower finally axis mains. The buff made into a beast

My stats


good guide

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You can give a moron best weapon you can find and it won´t help…
I don´t think in Moscow case, it is about players running bad gear. It is most likely the fact that playerbase enjoys powercreeping more and thus is off to Normandy etc.
That means we have to rely on bots until devs screw Moscow up same way they screwed Normandy so we can get some people back.

Well wait for fedorov and mkb42w

Pshhhh guide? 3 squads of snipers armed with MKB 42s, PZ4E and Stuka. Done :clown_face:


psssssss 3 squad of stuka done

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Now you’re talking my language

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download (2)

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I like your stats. Especially how they prove how much easier it is to play with the Soviet Union. There are half as many battles and 66% of your killers are compared to the other. Better k / d ratio, right now. 10% more win.

For the best possible results at that level, use

  1. sniper squad

  2. sniper squad

  3. sniper squad

  4. lvl 7 stuka (the r-2 sucks)

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No it doesnt suck

Its pretty unfair. I have been playing moscow axis since OBT release, and i wasnt as good at the game as i currently am. I maxed out allies side in the beginning of autumm.

So yeah its not a fair comparrison

ok im sorry,
it doesnt suck

but its worse than the lvl 7 one

Certainly so.

Uh I have Panzer 4E and it’s HE basically 1 shots or critically damages any Soviet tank

Your stats on the USSR are so much better (especially KD) that I think it’s anti-guide

Check the time played. I was playing axis moscow as my first campaign back when OBT launched. So i was not close as good as i am now. When i started grinding allies i knew every part of the map, every vehicle srenght/weaknes - everything.

I was a lot more skilled than when i started to play when OBT launched

Personall preferance. I like the 500kg version more.

Also i really dont like the MKB. I dont know i would rather have an MP40, MG34 a flamethrower or K98k than it.

It doesnt suck but its not as versitile for me

T50, T28, T28E. These exist too

I see, that explains it somewhat. I actually hate flamethrowers and am not happy about their recent improvement. There are more of them than there should be in the game, which makes me play Warhammer instead of shooter. I’m all for more traditional firefights.