A more flexible proposal, conditionally Patch Players Profile

conditional_patch_players_profile Its function is to conditionally add patches to all players’ profiles, so that players can join mod battles with their own squad and get some buffs

For example, unlock different buildings or radio abilities for different vehicles and squads

For example, the function of calling artillery strikes is enabled for pilot squads equipped with FW-189 and Po-2

Also this allows the player to flexibly set the spawnCostPerSpawnPersonalScore, we know this property is complete and usable, but cannot be set for the player’s squad

We can also add some squads to the player’s profile to shape the rules of the game while keeping the player’s own squad.

Example not well designed about what does the configuration look like?

maybe a json format

  "ussr": {
    "patchesConditions": [
        "if": {
          "curVehicle": "ussr_t_34_1941"
        "patch": {
          "spawnCostPerSpawnPersonalScore" : [100, 200, 300, 500]
        "each": {
          "humanWeap": "roks_3_gun"
        "patch": {
          "spawnCostPerSpawnPersonalScore" : [20, 20, 20]
    "append": [
        "squads": {
          ... // squads with 5x mosin_m91_30_gun
        "squadId" : "ussr_kursk_rifle_1",
        "squadType" : "rifle",
        "spawnCostPerSpawnPersonalScore" : [0]
  "germ": {
    "patchesConditions": [
        "if": {
          "curVehicle": "germ_pzkpfw_VI_ausf_E_tiger"
        "patch": {
          "spawnCostPerSpawnPersonalScore" : [0, 2000, 3000, 3000]
        "if": {
          "curVehicle": "fw_189a1"
        "patch": {
          "artilleryTypeUnlocks" : [ 0, 123 ]
        "each": {
          "humanWeap": "flammenwerfer_41_gun"
        "patch": {
          "spawnCostPerSpawnPersonalScore" : [20, 20, 20]
    "append": [
        "squads": {
          ... // squads with 5x mauser_98k_gun
        "squadId" : "germ_kursk_rifle_1",
        "squadType" : "rifle",
        "spawnCostPerSpawnPersonalScore" : [0]

Its purpose is to add unique modifications to those squad setups for modded games, on top of allowing players to use squads they buy and setup themselves.

Considering the function of the paratrooper box, I think this kind of profile modification in the runtime stage is feasible.

How this is implemented depends on the design. Provided for developer reference.


i would like it,

but at that point, if you are going to apply restrictions, wouldn’t it be more simpler to create custom profiles from scratch?

true, not everyone might like them ( and still require some fix )

because otherwise for us modders, you have to think about every weapon / vehicle and yet keep in mind for the future as well.

when you could just create your own presets.

and / or create a multititude of different sets for different choices.


I want to use squad outfits that I purchased and set up myself. Especially those premium squads, for which players bought them, to use in modded games

Other players also want to use their own unique settings.

Such modded gameplay can be integrated with the game’s main squad setup functionality.

Rather than “borrowing” another copy of a team that does not belong to your own account

At the same time, this method respects the commercial interests of the development team more.

but custom profiles for bot players is ok, its a on running feature

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but you would give new players something to fight with and give stuff that normally someone can’t use.

on the premium one, i guess you have a point.

but then, you’d hard capp those as premium weapons are for the majority automatic weapons that are good.


for starter, i don’t see why not.

And modification base on the player’s profiles can bring more variety,

because every player is different, and every player has his own combination and ideas

If offered a presetted fixed profile, it’s just frozen and dead, doesn’t stick to me.

For example, I want to use the unique golden pistol I got from the event in the mod, and each player has something different

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actually, now that i think about it, it would be cool if we could have both.

so players can decide to try something new through custom profiles and if they don’t like those, use their own squad.

if only there could be a way though
( although, yeah… not in topic )

so for the topic at hand, i guess so
just to make use of the score system.


Good suggestion.

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