A meme



Darkflow in 2016: cool animations, highres textures, le historical accuracy

Darkflow in 2022: we’re downgrading your garand just cuz. And here’s your mkb in moscow.



Maybe because they rhyme


'member when it was just Moscow and semi-automatics were rare?

Then when Normandy was finalized that was the cod-kiddy-containment for a while

I’ve been playing Moscow a bit recently.

It’s silly, it’s so automatics heavy now, perhaps more than Tunisia and even Stalingrad (and those have some powerful stuff)

Why is it that in Moscow…
There’s now FOUR different ASSAULTERS squads, and ONLY 2 riflemen ones?!?
You can already spam smgs without end with 3 squads, yet they added a 4th, in Moscow… (think in Normandy too, but at least it makes a tad more sense there)

Also for some advice for me: for the Germany side, is it truly that advantageous to switch from Kiraly to Mkb? Since Kiraly got reduced recoil, it’s very good… Still not certain it would really be an upgrade like the fedov is for Soviet side (Fedov slaps).


In fact is not, mkb have more dispersion than mg42 for self-defence enginer weapon like in stalingrad rock, but for assaulter gun is worst than a full star mp40

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It is a bit ridiculous but remember they reimagined progression every campaign, so Moscow’s progression is kindof retarded as a result.

I do really like how medics work, and that you get them instead of assaulters now.

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I’ve played moscow recently.
It felt like Berlin.


Me too. They’re sort of a “weaker” type of assaulter, perk wise…
…But I surprised myself having fun with them. Instead of rushing like a fool, the lil blue cross icons over teamates attracts me like a bee to honey, it even gives a bit of xp.
I now even choose one of them to complete my squads: in defense, those med boxes saved me more than once.

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I’d rather have assaulters I and medics doing medic things (crazy, right?) instead of being discount assaulters.

I do the same, even things like popping smoke to provide cover while I rez and heal.

Med boxes are also becoming an integral part of my engineer builds. Usually drop one next to an ammo box.

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I think DF did that to limit assaulters somehow…

Which is bonkers as some campaigns got 4 assaulters squads :expressionless: