A Gun To Help Us Fight the Condors

Me and him agree on a couple things. I think it’s stupid the Kraut belt is arbitrarily cut short compared to everyone else’s belts. However, I’m man enough to admit I have a sick satisfaction in that fact. I love they’re handicapped and easy to crush beneath my foot. I love they have something legitimate to complain about

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Hey now I dabble in the Commies and did some Kraut gaming Pre Merge. Lol

i mean we all know what it is i think it “SoViEt BoDy ArMoR” which is funny to me

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I mean, can’t really fault him on that either. It is literal Russian Bias in its purest form. How he goes about it though is something else

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Then you should probably end up playing custom games and just keep beating up AI because if things keep going the way you want it you’ll just turn the Germans into bot faction eventually and if you say what about the Japanese the DF will keep defending them as much as they can so they can claim that faction isn’t bot faction just because they lost Tunisia

What I want is true equality for all so we can all suffer in the abyss

lmao… you actually don’t.


I want all the handicaps gone so we can have true equality and everyone can suffer in misery

And I definitely want true equality for this one as well so everyone can have body armor

I do so everyone can die and everyone needs poison and we should all feed each other the same poison so we can all die of it

but conders is belt fed MG with 100 rounds :rofl:


SMG* not MG

tell me what is the name of the gun? is it conders MG or conders SMG?

Buddy. Not only is it an SMG BY DEFINITION, but also in game classification and description



say the name of the gun :stuck_out_tongue:

coenders smg.

there’s also an “MP” varient:

but i don’t know the differences.


Soviets laugh while they have body armor and not to mention they also have a head racker with 150 bullets with next to no recoil.

and I need an MG to punch through this stupid setups and there’s zombie builds.

but overall do not bring up that topic again because if I go into more detail the moderators will smack me in the head for telling things I’m not to tell.

shhh… this is 100 rounds MG for parrot. wink wink.


If you’re gonna be that pedantic then you must also agree that the M1918 should be a gun available to most soldier types as a Rifle then. Unless you want to be a hypocrite about how names work

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I’m not sure if you’re triggering me to try and blow up to get the Moderators to smack me in the head again