A Gun To Help Us Fight the Condors

There were two main experimental models of the Thompson. The Persuader was a belt-fed version developed in 1917/18. It was partially built, but never completely finished.

Considering the Condors is literally a piece of paper, and this one was partially built in 17/18, I’d say they’re about equal in bullcrap. Come on DF. Throw us a bone here. Everyone else has paper in their trees. Let us have one too


Now we also need gold order counters?


i think the US should get the Burton light rifle (basically an AR from like 17 or 18 i think cant exactly remember it) to finally give US an AR

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The persuader was able to fire just in burst of 5 bullet

Still, it’s a nonexistent belt fed SMG just like the Condors. I say it should be added. Help even the playing field a bit

Or the Ribeyrolles 1918


I would prefere the Thompson model 1923 (drum) loaded with .351 Winchester (self loading)

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No you do not need that type of stuff when you have the 100 round Thompson or Vickers.

And if you’re still gonna push for it to be added then the Germans will need 100 round belt fed MG and 150 upgrade and 250 belts then we can allow this type of stuff


i am wondering do you even have conders? for BR5 gold order weapon it is not even that strong. stg44 and fg42 II are better than it in 95% of situations.


100 round mags exist

It’s not how good it it’s the fact that it wasn’t built in the duration of the war

True but since the Germans were known for the MG’s it makes sense to give them 150 or if we look at the MG/08 250

And this stupid thing exists and you should not be able to run around and carry that at the same time

But since they can I don’t see a problem with the Germans doing the same thing


The coom machine, isn’t even that good… it’s a spray yes, but it’s bullets are rather weak.

Use a 1919. Same amount of rounds. Stable. Precise. Deadly.


It’s the fact it’s a piece of paper during the war

If your thing gets in you’re inviting all the other MG variants for Germany to come in


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I want more (functioning, built and functioning) prototypes in the game anyways

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Then say hello to belt fed MG for Germans with 100 rounds and 150 rounds and MG/08 with 250 rounds and it’s not even paper and then if any of these toys get added they’re coming to BR5

That’s the fun part about belt feds. They’re belts. They can be lengthened or shortened to whatever number of round you want. 50, 75, 150, 250, whatever you want. They just limit us to 75 or 100 rounds just cause

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They can also hold pants up, which is super useful for decency.