A friendly christian(its not) discussion about silly matchmaking

The 50% bonus change hasn’t really done anything to help unpopulated factions for me its not enough incentive to play as the Paper Bear or Germany.

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well, it’s not about fairness.

but it’s about getting rewarded for playing the underdog factions.
which, for the most part, have higher chances of being a loss.

make it worth your while.

in your situation, hard to tell your gainings.

but most likely not that high because vehicle gameplays is good for researches xp, not so much for silver or squad xps. ( as… dying more gives you more squad xp and overall silver )

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What I’d add to sweeten the pot, is to REMOVE the -1 rank loss penalty when losing IF the player is choosing the play any faction button.

To some, rank is important…

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what a crazy score board.

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Wouldnt this open up the possibility of afk farming ranks if you dont even lose rank and can only gain or am I overlooking something?

I’ve been playing basically only BR4 US recently. And this isn’t representation of average US vs Germany match.

It’s just screenshot of one match posted in trying to manipulately made up certain picture about current situation.

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actually, 27 kills and 22 vehicle kills tells me you ONLY did dogfighting for the entire match, so you kinda deserved to lose that one…

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you get kicked for inactivity really fast in Enlisted… So it wouldn’t really work.

Also to some ranks are important… but to the point of afk farming them? I know some here have no life but still…

Idk. I feel it would help balance things out. you choose to automatically play the underdog by joining any faction, but to compensate there’s the neat xp/currency bonus already implemented and the fact you wouldn’t lose ranks if my suggestion pass.

literally the first match I just joined

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Couldnt you just rubberband a controller to get around that?

consoleros never cease to amaze me…

I suppose you can also get reported by doing so.

but again, I doubt those no lifers would change their behavior with this suggestion. they already do it, although they’re rare. most merely stack popular factions.

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the heck is that tank squad at the bottom? i like their symbol ngl (also im currently not in enlisted not feeling like playing today tbh maybe tomorrow)

The duck are you talking about? because i’m not allowed to swear apparently.


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Kinda hard to strafe when the enemy builds 5 AA guns and pilot snipes you when you try but my skill is not the point here and I would’ve run my ground squads if I wanted to be a sweaty asshole.

Are the number of vehicles shot down all communication bombers?

That isnt the calliope. That looks more like the premium Jumbo.

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Mostly sadly the enemy fighter pilots were kinda dogshit so they quit trying at the end and just AA camped the rest.


Please keep the conversation civil and respectful.

War is never fair.