A few small things to include in the next editor update

Give us a light source like “omni” lights that stay forever and doesn’t get deleted when you switch between rendinst models or damage etc. (important for darker maps)

give us Rendinst_Immortal that makes objects indestructible and or let us set HP for objects (was also suggested by ErikaKalkbrenner

let us change daytime in realtime without having to reload the scene (if possible)

(maybe) let changes from postfx be applied online

(maybe) let vehicles respawn (if ticked) once they are destroyed after a set amount of time.


… and a few improvements over the site:

  • increase upload ability size:
    ( due to map heaviliy modified, navmesh new feature makes the overhall map " heavy " for the site to be uploaded )

  • Increase Font number Characters in the description
    ( currently, in comments of the site you can type 10 times more than any description )


They works fine?

Would be nice add property for items and vehicles.
Something like “autorespawn” and we can write time.
And when somebody pickup it/activate it. Timer starts work.