A fair way for the M2 Hyde, PPK-41, and MP-41 to return!

As Gold order weapons so people who have the founders pack can have their whole squad with them and non founders can only have 1 of each.

And the founders version can have a XP multiplier and extra ammunition.


i actually like this idea but sadly they would just realistically sell them for an anniversary event

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sadly i didnt bought neither one of them since i was already part of the alpha test group and didnt need to buy to play the beta version.

i just bought the mg30 in moscow and mp18 squad in normandy just for a kind gest to suport the game development.

i srsly regret not buying them since i had the means to do so… i would buy them at a reasonable price if they ever come back. atleast the mp41 and the h2 hyde squad…

i would, also, buy the founders weapons they had on early early crowdfunding of this game… sadly i wasnt aware of it.


Would be nice. I definitely want more MP41s. The M2 hyde…cool for collectors but has been far eclipsed by better weapons

Maybe when they add the romanian they add even the mp41 for all “fall blue”

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Idk The MP18 feels like normal MP28 with better mag.
The MG30 hype is real though.

Weird that no one cares about the D-Day gun of the Germans.

Its redundant. I dont feel many differences between M2 and the Grease models.

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Except the little 20 round magazine

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They’re all awful guns compared to Modern Warfare

modern warfare guns were bland and the same


^How to prove you never played the game without saying it

Wait are you talking about cod modern warfare or the event? Because I have played both

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to some extent I feel as if the devs won’t… it’s a good idea, but the issue is the devs would want something that’s exclusively for those who bought into the cbt. It would sorta take all the glamour out of something limited that would just be available from a much easier source in the longer term…

I m a pc player, always be. But… They should, or Atleast could make them avaiable to ps4 and Xbox users that didn’t had the game avaiable as we did back then.

Atleast they could have the option to own them.

If, that isn’t much to ask for.

no that’s fair… but I think the idea is as simple as you needed a latest gen console or pc tp play Enlisted early, and if you don’t then you’re just unlucky and won’t get the opportunity… it’s as simple as bringing back the founders pack guns would no longer make them special to those who own them…

I wouldn’t mind seeing any of these as Gold Order Weapons in the future, especially for those who didn’t get the chance to purchase the Premium Squads along with them.

If they do end up becoming Gold Orders, I hope to see the other Premium Squad weapons as well such as the MG30 or the AKT-40.

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That is a nice idea, but I feel like those squads will end up like the T-34 Prototype and Hermann the German Sherman in War Thunder - as an extremely expensive limited packs for some anniversaries like 5 or 10 years.