It would be a medium to long range Field Artillery function similar to how Mortars do
I mean, i could see that, but it would be rather difficult to use, duo to sheer power difference between Moratrs and Howitzers.
Maybe the low power guns like the 7,5 cm Le.I.G. 18 L/12, which could also be used with I.Gr.38 Hl/A and 115mm/0°, which would add the use of AT, but i dont really see a LeFH 18 L/28 used, even with only charge 1, is such a roll.
For use its main difference id argue is blast radius and operates similar to a SPG but shoots like a mortar. it defiantly has limitations tho i agree
Artillery indirect fire won’t work in current game since the map is too small.
Well since the Maps are all in one big landscape they could theatrically make a big map with the multiple small maps in the same world box. like the Normandy maps. the Beach and Saint Mere Eglise etc and for the other maps