A balanced solution to greyzone camping

Their protest is even more ridiculous than the world’s traditional prejudice against Italians and pizza (for example)
Because after they protested that pineapple shouldn’t be added to pizza
Will require no use of methods other than traditional kilns to make pizza
The reason for protest is just a ridiculous reason to satisfy self-interest and combat heresy.

but infantry can reach tank in gray zone… that is why you have AT soldiers with rocket launchers, or engineers that can build AT guns.

gray zone is only a problem when you dont have a counter for it. that is why some nations need AT gun buff and new rocket launchers.

What you say is that infantry (some classes of them) can attack tanks that are within the gray zone (Example AT soldiers). This also goes for any weapon (AT Cannon, Plane bomb or rocket, other tank, etc.) that can hit the tank.
This is not the same as the infantry (foot soldier) being able to reach a tank that is within the gray zone to plant a charge on it, throw dynamite at it, drop a mine on it, etc. (because the gray zone is protecting the tank from these types of attacks)

Only two are usefull. AT Launcher only if it is either the Panzerfaust or a low br match where armor isnt the issue. Same applies to At cannons as only Soviets and Germans have a actual Late-Game AT cannon.
And smoke… bitch please.

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