37mm cannon Stuka?

Any possibility of having Ju-87 with 38mm anti-tank cannons on either Moscow or Berlin campaign (or both) as late campaign or gold order or premium squad vehicle ?

Disadvantage of not having a bomb paired with advantage of being able to penetrate enemy vehicles, seems fair enough to me.



It’d be fun and different.

But the problem is that some “canon” planes are already in Enlisted… and they don’t work… :frowning:


Hurricane with 40mm cannons is a good example oh why cannons on planes cant do anything to tanks.

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I almost bought that one til I saw the warnings of ppl who got it in the forums… :frowning:

That’s interesting. On CONSOLE they seem to work just fine. They are absolutely devastating against infantry and with the right angle, tanks.
When used against infantry, they usually get about 10 kills per pass.

It might not be the strongest against tanks, but it wipes out infantry with absolute devastation.

… The jealousy I feel this moment…

Its one of the very few Ally planes with a large cannon. I use primarily Allies and get pretty jealous of the Axis planes with the cannons. (At least on console), the Axis planes with cannons usually outperform majority of Ally planes in regards to anti- infantry.

Bro, where do you think you are? In a museum?!
This is a video game, not a book. So please censor those kind of stuff from now on.

Here you go. Better isn’t it?


They could make the cannon planes work in a future Battle of Kursk

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