People complaining a lot of unbalancement of T20, Hei-Atuomatic, AVT40 and FG42II, since FG42II got outdatet by its contestants.
So since germany is the only faction withoug bayonet and standard enabled semi-auto-modus, plus insane inaccuracy i would suggest a simple and easy improvement → just add a 3 shot burst enabled at standart to the FG42II
FG42 having burst mode is pure fantasy.
Dont you dare ruin my iconic WW2 guns.
Its already stupid that the G43K has burst mode, since the real prototype was in full auto - but a fantasy gun having fantasy added to it isn’t that big of an issue.
Well there’s a version with the nade launcher in the game, and there is a bayonet it’s just folded up
Let’s try to stick with real modifications please, thank you. Bad enough all your Riflemen get an LMG. Even worse if it was an LMG that never existed
Couldn’t they also make the mkb42 a gun available for riflemen since it was supposed to be originally, and it could act as Germany’s intermediate caliber rifle to counteract the m2 carbine as well.
That is a lie because people with maxxed reduce recoil perk just laser beams with FG-42 unlike AVS and AVT that has slow ROF. Even Federov Avtomat is shittier than ppsh-41 drum because of its shitty ROF, mag, and recoil. Also you guys have fast as fuck MGs in german tree that literally beams people so easily from good distance.
thats about the only thing you got right. FG indeed has more rof, in every other stat recoil / dispersion AVS & AVT is better.
Fedorov has little less dmg but other than that same applies.
AVT and AVS’s huge problem is high recoil and bad accuracy. FG does it better than that especially the one with sniper sight.
Horizontal recoil: 38
Vertical recoil: 102
Mag size: 15 round
FG-42 II Sniper:
Horizontal recoil: 10
Vertical recoil: 52
Mag size: 20 round
You see? Just as I said, you can max the vertical recoil perk to just make it a pure laser beam machinegun wielded by a rifleman. Also you guys have 5 more rounds in a mag which is great one.
Federov on the other hand is just a gun that traded all of its stats for just some damage increase. Meaning its damage is better than smgs in Soviet tree, but have worse stats than FG overall