2nd July 1944 - 80 years that Brazil was the only independent country in South America that sent troops to the second war

I’ve already suggested any event to share an decal for the P47 plane called ‘Senta a Pua’, since Brazil, just as Mexico sent pilots to fight in the Second War.

But this time I would to call attention that Brazil was the only independent country in South America that sent troops to the Second War, they were called ‘pracinhas’ from the Brazilian Expeditionary Force, they used to have an special symbol called ‘A cobra vai fumar’, in enlish ‘The Snake is going to Smoke’, an brazilian slang that means that ‘heads will roll’ or ‘Things are going to get uggly’.

So I kindly ask to an homage event to remember the troops from countries not directly envolvend in war to share a special troop inspired in them.



i would like one, just give it a sherlock type hat


I guess there still a lot of countires which was much more involved in the war and still wasn’t get any attention. So no.
First they should do some events for China, Yugoslavia, Greece, Poland, India, Neetherlands, Luxembourg, Australia, New Zeeland, Belgium, Norway, Finland, Denmark(okay, that’s joke), Bulgaria, Romania, Hungry, Slovakia(If consider it as part of Czecholovakia then no), Canada… I guess even Swiss and Sweden was affected on war much more, so they also should get event earlier than Brazil.

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Even if not from events most of these nations have gotten some sort of recognition in the game

Lunar event gave us chinese profile pic + we have guns that chinese forces used such as sig ke7, zb 26 and zh 29

We have lots of polish guns already and polish tank decal for soviets if i remember correctly

We have many australian squads such as austen mk 1, owen from tunisia, p14 sniper and A.C.I tank.

Boomerang premium

FN 1930 is belgian

We have 2 kp smgs and lahti ls 26

Madsen machine gun is from denmark

Same. I should go buy groceries

ross rifle is canadian

Knorr bremse is swedish

Also he is just asking for a decal which wouldnt even be that hard to make

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bruh, during World War II, the fourth largest army in Europe, and this AFTER losses sustained during the September campaign, deserves a much greater distinction than some decals and captured weapons in german soldier hands xd.
Sooner snakes will start smoking than there will be an event for just another expeditionary contingent sent in middle of war when the rest of the countries that still do not have their event have long been drowning in their own and the enemy’s blood.
It’s World War II for a reason, get in line and wait patiently xd.

Polish arsenal can be added to be partitioned between soviets and germany

The Soviet arsenal can be removed from the game to reflect the USSR’s attitude towards its cannon fodder. We can also take away german shoes to show the shortcomings in the production of rubber.

It’s not really related to WWII.

It’s not about events.

Still not events.

There is really was event with New Zeeland squad as reward. But it’s wasn’t about New Zeeland.
About which boomerang premium you talking about I don’t know.

Still not events.

Guns not really recognition. Especially in this case…

Now think about China. He actually participated in World War II for 8 years. But received less attention than some Poland or even Denmark.(it is more correct to consider the beginning of the war as the Sino-Japanese conflict)

An unhistorical joke in response to a historical one?

Poland got no recognition in way autor of post proposed. He want whole event about just another contingent. So I said: wait in looong line. I don’t give a flying fuck if china gets events before Poland. But a single division is far further ahead when it comes to objective prioritization.

How historical was it for game? With such a way of thinking, there should not be Italians either, only their equipment with the Germans and the Allies.
Moreover, mine joke was quite historical, if they are to be based on wild generalizations. I know, a big surprise for you. Logistics and management of the production force during World War 2 is black magic for home historians. For many, shit just spawns up the front, so jokes about internal issues aren’t quite obvious,

Well, okay. I don’t really get about what you talking, but okay.

In this case, Brazil is a third-rate country for events.(Somewhere near Spain)