I hope these guys are not inspired from dirlewanger brigade
No offense but I don’t want an inadvertent “SS Panther” situation again where a minor offense ends up getting content removed
It’s just like with SS camo in game. I’m fine with them not adding SS symbols and that because sometimes you have to compromise with censors, but for the most part I don’t care if they add SS camo and in fact want them to add camo. I view it just is, just a cool camo. If I customize my squad with “SS” camo I’m not thinking to myself, “Oh I’m wearing the green and red polka dots, guess I’m a Nazi now”. Germany had tons of camouflage patterns and it would be great to have them all
The same could be said with weapons. The SS used a wide variety of guns, many of them in game, and I don’t think using said weapons is equivalent to glorifying them. Gun is gun. There are other weapons I want them to add to the game one day that were used by the SS, but to me it’s just more content for the game. I’m not thinking to myself, “Yessss we must add this to complete my SS role play heeeheee”
There is so much more to be added to this WW2 sandbox
On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have Soviet NKVD content in game, and I don’t have any problem with it. Am I a communist one minute when I have Soviets with the NKVD hat and pants, and a fascist the next when I have “SS” camo? Obviously not
Dirlewamgers are bottom of the barrel. They were considered “scums” even by other ss units irl.
The second photo as far as image searching databases provide is a Brandenburger.
I don’t know why people keep trying to find photos of soldiers using these masks and then insisting this squad has to be based on them. It’s a piece of equipment which saw use all over the place. Like these Paratroopers.
In reality, the squad is most likely based off the commandos in Operation Greif who operated as saboteurs in American uniforms. Said commandos operated under Otto Skorzeny which is probably why they just lumped them in with an infantry division that was nearby.
That squad A) is an event reward people either worked or paid for; B) has been in game for almost a year already; C) is very fun to play and as such I’ve had it in my lineup ever since.
Let’s not start with the “I just found something so incredibly offensive that it’s been in game since forever and I never even noticed it before, remove it now!” nonsense (again), ok?
I’ve never heard of this squad but it doesn’t sound good, could someone enlighten me what fun shenanigans these guys got into?
(I hope the sarcasm is obvious)
Real life gamer squad but filled with murderers,
r-pists, psychopaths under the command of a sociopathic pedo named oskar dirlewanger.
Who cares?
I hope you never bought anything from china But that would be quite impossible I think.
So according to your logic, you are just supporting:
But I guess 80 years old problems are more relevant, especially depicted in game industry.
You are just hypocritical woke knight, not a moral character. And surely not The wise
some snowflake who will ruin the game content cause he feels offended.
Again, just to reiterate, they are NOT based on the Dirlewanger brigade. The Dirlewanger brigade exclusively operated on the Eastern front. The only similarity they have with the suppressed MP40 squad, is that you found one picture where some of them wear camouflage winter masks. The second example was from the Brandenburgers, a totally unrelated group of Wehrmacht commandos.
Fun fact, the Dirlewanger brigade was originally comprised of people arrested for poaching, and as such they were pretty effective. That early effectiveness led to expanding the force substantially but the pool of similar recruits had been exhausted, so they dug down into all kinds of scum.
Completely agree. There are many here who want the game to be historically accurate, and that, dear friends, involves the use of symbols, weapons and uniforms from that time.
I still can’t understand why they don’t put the swastika on flags or in other places, because on the German belt buckles they have erased the famous “Gott mit Uns” but you can see the red star everywhere (sublime symbol of communism , still used in some countries).
And, if you don’t want to see any symbols, use the “harmonization” mode that comes in the game. Double yardstick to measure things…
And is that a problem for you?
Because for me it is not, in fact (if that were the case) it seems great to me.
More historical realism.
It would be great if they could put them in some event, a squadron of Brandenburgers.
Their story is exciting.
Well, why heaving SS uniform would make you more nazi than haveing Heer one? They did all the same during war. Literally. Red army wasnt much better, especially NKVD units. But implementing to the game some squads with the statement that it is exactly this one unit, would be somewhat distasteful. Another example would be 1. Gendarmerie-Bataillon (motorisiert). Or just adding extermination camps garnisson/crew unit. Theere is some line better not to be crossed. Why? Moral and legal problems, whatever you like or dislike more.