2020 results

In 2020 we were able to visit Berlin and fight in numerous battles on the outskirts of Moscow. We analyzed your achievements along this path. Take a look at what the army of Enlisted players are capable of!

Read more!


Thanks for the hard work devs! Looking forward to 2021’s enlisted

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I would also love to add my thanks for all your hard work you put into Enlisted. There is so much potential in this game.

With that I would also like to wish both developers and testers a happy new year and even more success in the future.
See you on forum and battlefields in 2021!


Very nice! I’m looking forward to 2121. Good that German weapons are better for now. It’s challenging to fight against=D
Game for now is good at many points - maps, second chance system, guns and many more.


I’m gonna give the optimistic estimate and say 10% of planes destroyed were deliberate while the other 90 crashed or rubber-banded into the ground.

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it does show how OP the MP41 is, it having more kills than the default rifles


Yeah, thankfully I gave up playing Soviet side weeks ago.

An SMG up there was expected. But a premium one too at that is nuts. I was expecting a gun that is available to both beta testers and the buyers.

In the results, the K98 kills is only 10000 shy of the Mosine. I rarely encounter any Allies with anything else other than Mosine. While the Axis has 3 choices rifles from like the very start. And I only have 2 K98 equipped in my whole squad. The rest is mostly Pre-War Kar98K.

So, is this data from K98 alone or does it include the other bolt action rifles?

Or is it just me that doesn’t have any luck getting K98 from lootboxes?

Note that at the start the kar98k was the starter weapon, while the Mosin 1903 was always the starter weapon

and just like that with the normandy test over, the killfeed is back to nothing but mp41s in moscow

what an absolute experience.

more has to be changed, more has to come, but as long i’m still here with others good people, i’m up for help in the best way we can.

once again, thanks for everyone in partecipating in this project, thanks for the dev that allowed many of us to get in, for the hard work putted behind enlisted, and the overhall product. i’m honored and impressed.

looking behind, it’s good to see what we have archieved until today together.

i wish an happier year for everyone.

have a good one.


It is not, it is just a SMG in a 2. WW shooter. She just have a slightly higher fire rate than the MP40 and this is a high level weapon (lvl. 11) lol.
So stop cry around, that the soldiers who can wear this weapon have 5 stars and so special perks (35 % more vitality, more stability etc.) you never considerd right? You really mean the weapon is op, such kind of low thinking…

Found the one who can’t last 5 minutes without a premium squad

PPKs aren’t at the top for no reason other than that Russian premium squads are nowhere near as common, but they’re just as overpowered. I try to loot premium weapons off dead guys whenever I notice them.

MP41 is objectively better than the MP40 as it has the same stats except for the extra option of semi-automatic fire. Furthermore, they are upgraded by default, giving them +20% rate of fire and damage, which requires numerous MP40s to get on a single MP40. On top of that, you get it at level 1, rather than level 11.

Sure it is not as bad at the perks, but these results show that it objectively is one of the best guns in the game as it has the most kills. If it wasn’t that much better than a normal MP40, the MP40 would have been up there as well.

Maybe think before you cry.

So…As the 2020 Results chart suggests, USSR has won 38306 matches whereas the Germans won 48664 matches, 44% and 56% by percentage.
While I don’t expect any game to have a 50/50 win rate, the balance state of this game have often felt rather poor, as a faction-based 44% or 56% average win rate just cannot even be possible without the presence of some major balance issues (for example, both being the basic tank units, Pz.IIC has better armor, better penetration, a more practical machinegun and more crew than T-60, and can easily go through T-60’s turret while T-60 cannot reliably penetrate Pz.IIC’s frontal armor)

there are some imbalances that go for or against each faction, but the biggest problem is that the game has fallen into a meta-rut where balance issues are made worse by players trying to take advantage of what they perceive to be the case.

Does Germany have better equipment than Russia? Overall yes but barely. But it’s when tryhards see Germany winning and all flock to Germany as a result when the problems come in. You have Russia which is mostly low-level players, versus Germany with a much higher concentration of high levels and Premium sweats.


bro russia has more bots then players thats why this win rate or else russia would have won with their 15 damage rifles compared to german 14 ones

If a faction is on an even match with the opposing faction, how come that so few people want to play on USSR to the point that more than half of the USSR team is filled with bots?

Because a lot of people prefer playing the nation that will be usable across all the campaigns.
Or people feel more related to Germany than to Russia
Or they are more interested in “German quality” equipment
Any ammount of reasons, really.