I am only suggesting this so we can get an earlier Thompson that can appear earlier than tier 4 also in reality the 20 round magazines were more common than the 30 round ones
I think 30cal Thomson is 20 round and is br III
idk why would you even want thompson. most of them are pretty bad and you have much better weapons instead of them. lanchester is better than most thompsons, m2 carbine is excellent (except shitty sight), BAR is good, m1919a6 is also great and is basically ally version of AR.
that is event thompson. also few regular thompsons from tier 4 are BR3
BSA Thompson and M1928 USMC (Gold order/Premium) are the two 20 round thompson of BR 2. BSA Thompson is nice but expensive for what it is. I doubt we will ever get a progression 20 round thompson though.
Multiple thompsons are BR 3 not 4 : M1A1, M1928 box mag and Thompson 30 cal.
he means t4 in tech tree.
Perhaps the OP wants a Thompson for use in the Pacific in BR2.
The Lanchester is certainly an excellent SMG, but if you prefer historical loadout and want to play US Marines, that is not an option.
The BR2 Thompson is carried by this premier squad.
Thompson M1928 USMC.
It has a 20 round magazine and is moderately capable for use in BR2.
I would be happy to remove the foregrip from their Thompson and add it to Tier 2 of the tree.
Give the BR2 Marines the pleasure of choosing between a 30rnd grease gun or a 20rnd Thompson.

oh Japanese
They are iconic.
a squad that you cant get anymore except on new year i think (since they recently remove that squad during the birthday discount)
Why not have BR2 be a nice matchup of historical gear?
MP40 vs 20 Round Thompson vs Box Mag PPSH vs decent Sten vs some early Beretta —> and have them perform balanced and comparable to each other.
That way, as soon as you unlock something outside of BR1, as a new player the fist gear that you get is iconic historical gear.