I just played a game against soviets as BR1 Axis and they had a KV-1 and a T-34. They never died and won the game just because the best tank we ever had was Panzer 3 J and we had no real weapon we can use against those tanks. I though i was only gonna get paired with BR1 and BR2 players, why do i face enemies that i have no chance of winning?
It is normal when not enough players
All Germans went to play BR5 to test out new buffed FG42 and KIA Kurz (RIP) so better to avoid low BR Germans for now.
I don’t want to play a game where i will face enemies that will fuck me up just because waiting time i want to have a fair and balanced fun game. At least give us some BR3 as well so we can counter BR3 enemies, all we had was BR1 players.
Do you not have a plane?
if you have engineers and have at guns unlocked just build one, Germans (and soviets) both get access to engineer pak 40s which is pretty much a Panzer 4s gun
Well if at least BR2 had a bit better chance at fighting BR3 soviets tanks.
Well T34 and KV1 have insane post pen damage - explosive filler is still overperforming and very unrealistic, the difference between explosive filler and solid AP is like shooting blanks vs shooting nukes.
That being said, German BR3 tanks can fight in BR5 - while Soviets are useless in BR4. Its a fair trade, tho on the expense of German BR1 players.
- again however BR1 Panzer III J is excellent and beats most BR2 tanks - its literally JUST KV1 and T34s that ruin your day.
STUG III F should be a BR2 vehicle, would solve this.
Being uptiered and being seal clubbed are probably the two most likely reasons there are so many deserters.
Tell me about it. Where’s my spalling?
This is currently happening due to the extreme concentration of players in Germany.
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It just happened again. Man i sure do love fighting against SVT-38, KV-1, T-34, flametroopers and many more only with my BR1 stuff. I didn’t even get the option to spawn in a BR3 tank. And it wasn’t because of the player count it just found that game instantly. At least give us some BR3 stuff as well the best player we had was BR2.
GrB39 is in BR2
You might wanna play some Golf With Friends beforehand as practice though, for that hole-in-one trickshot across a lake
You can actually hit things at stupid ranges and it comes with like 20 rounds
So, every damn weekend?
Yeah, the match “maker” has it’s moments. Sometimes the randomness just ends up with completely lopsided teams, there isn’t much point to stressing over it too much.
If it happens over and over you might have to pick a different faction for a while. Sometimes there is a faction zerg going on and without developer action the matchmaker can’t do much
That usually means there is more enemies already in the queue vs whatever your side got. Once their artificially capped queue time is up (around 2m30s?) you get shoved into a match where there is 10 enemies and whatever number of your faction was available at that point. Sometimes you can literally get a game where its 1 or 2 geared and experienced players against 10 minmaxed enemies
Oh, and in my experience at least, the game quality kinda falls off one you are not around peak concurrent players for the evening, as its easier for people to overpower specific factions
Gimme a break. The amount of games where enemy BR5 players alt f4 over the slightest pushback is a clear indication its not the case
bro I was playing at rank 3 and was fighting tiger 2’s like wtf bro.
SVT is honestly one of the worst BR III semi auto’s. Just out range them and abuse Bolties one shot and low Italian SMG’s
What exactly can the developers do to fix the stupidity of the playerbase?
I honest to god believe game would be better if you simply couldn’t select a faction to play and always just randomed. Then the randomness of the unranked matchmaking would probably be enough to produce reasonably even matches. Currently the randomness is severely skewed by people grouping up as 4 and/or chasing meta and dogpiling onto a select faction while the newbies usually just do whatever and end up as the stompee