Today I played Univermag North (defence). Our team has 16 players but enemy - only 10.
Even if the 6 last players are bots, then they still prevent enemy from capping the point ?
How is this even possible ?
Today I played Univermag North (defence). Our team has 16 players but enemy - only 10.
Even if the 6 last players are bots, then they still prevent enemy from capping the point ?
How is this even possible ?
this is case of players joining mid game. game corrects score tab on death of bot squad. cause you were dominating, bot squad couldnt die and they stayed ingame. most human players that can be in game is 13v10 cause of MM bug when player stack joins.
BTW - can I in MOD Scenario set somehow, that I want have disbalanced teams?
Like 1 human for Axis per 4 Human who already joined the Allies? This could be great for custom scenarios, where you plan disbalanced enviroment, so Axis defend with a plenty of prepaired stuff and Allies should have more human players to be able to succeed.
So is “balance” pre-programmed feature in all games, or is it possible to change in custom scenarios? How?
Tnx a lot, Lucas.
not that i am aware of. currently editor options are rather limited specially when trying to change base game (like number of players). maybe it could work if you set it for low number of players (like 4 human players, 16 bots). you will need to consult our resident modders or maybe ask question in appropriate forum section (mods)
@ErikaKalkbrenner @Scav_Sergei @125577060 may help you
kinda off topic. but anyway. to answer your question,
there are a few ways, but through the entity blk.
not sure if you can through premium features with the custom matches as well.
but for the moment it’s not doable.
because stuff that is made outside the editor ( such as the entities blks, player profiles, picture links and que sounds are limited and ) won’t show up in the online custom games.
because the custom resources are currently not supported with the current editor.
the only exception, is the custom profile bots.
those are the only current whitelisted ones.
TNX, so better will be keep it in mind while creating scenarios. You know - I do like challenges
since you might be new,
i reccomend you to watch out for the size limits of mods.
above the 3 mb sometimes it might create issues and not being able to be loaded on the sandbox site.
and the maximum limits is (theorically) currently on 10 mbs.
but as said above, sometimes even 3mb it’s just about enough to ruin a mod.
though, thanks to @Enginya ( one of the active developers on the editor ) told us that the team is working to allow custom blks/entities and increase the size allowed on the portal.
beside, the challenges are many, and the problems infinites.
but if you have time and know what to do, nothing is truly impossible ( outside limitations ).
YES, i found it soon - just too many of terraformating and the file was unloable / game crashed with bug (too many squirrel)