113th infantry Regiment and 66th infantry Regiment same customization options when?

For real guys how the squad that cost real money don’t have the same customization as the event squad ??? is it so hard to give them same customization ?


Yep all squads should have all customization options applicable, that is German tech tree squads should have access to premium outfits


yeah the limit of customization is not nice I cant make my Chinese army full Blue xD

I want brodies and stahlhelm options for the chinese

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well, ugh. the only thing they share in common, are the pants.

both the tunic and headgears are different.

but i wouldn’t be opposed as giving them the chinese hats.
i can’t recall event squads sharing items from premium squads or viceversa in all honesty though.

EDIT: now that i remember, there is a weird instance where the anti tank rifle squad from the germans uses the feldgendarmerie tunic in the battle of the bulge. only there. but it’s not a buyable option either.

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even if they give just the hats is enough for me