Working on improvements to rally points

This is what I believe the devs are trying to achieve. Idea is great, I don’t mind a LITTLE more distance between rps and objectives. The problem is that it wasn’t tested before release. A bit like the big update that made the academy disappear… Idea is great, but… It was rushed (nothing changed for premium time who offered half time academy training, nothing was made to give more bronze or silver upon update release, etc.)

I think devs have great ideas, but they would gain much by creating polls, just like when the motorcycles were introduced: worked very well!


Good idea on paper. In practice, depending on the map, spawn point advantage or game type (invasion defense/offense or conquest), what actually happened was that one team would spawn camp the other. Only one side could build any meaningful rally points, or no one could build any meaningful rally points, and it was a total mess.

Defending on Invasion maps was absolutely atrocious where defending team is already at a disadvantage from the attacking team, to begin with.


In a sense, adjusting the distance of building a rally does help balance imbalanced teams somewhat. Bots do not build or use rally points so a team with more players can keep up the pressure better than a team with more bots.

Thank you for your detailed feedback. On your elements:

  1. Agreed, execution has to be tested to make sure it works and in this case it probably wasn’t.

  2. This might sound silly, but is there a way to spot which squads are Botsquads?

  3. I disagree here. While I don’t use a lot of the possible commands, I always use the position command frequently to guide my squad around hazardous zones or to keep them in a safe position while I advance alone.
    It might be frustrating to see your squad fail in a lengthy advance, but I see the upper side of the coin: With longer travel duration it really matters to make the most out of an advance and this adds much more pressure and challenge (heartbeat? :slight_smile:) to the game.

  4. Agreed, the cap times might need rework with longer travel times.

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It’s just FAR too easy to cap points. The maths of capping to not capping is horrendous. It just makes me wanna Alt-F4 and reinstall Rising Storm.

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