Winter Ardennes - Expanding the location

Yes, we were promised to learn more about those veteran boxes very soon.


Maybe when they add the box they could give like 30% discount for like maybe 2 week? That just me being hopeful

Very soon™ *


I’d rather have Sicily (Commonwealth ofc, I’m biased) or a Dunkirk or Maginot line based French faction. That’d be something new, rarely seen. Should be capped at br3 maximum thought (a low br only faction is appealing for me).

As for Manchuria… meh. I know it’s requested a lot, but I doubt it would help Japan, the least equipped faction, facing the best equipped one Imo :thinking:

Good thing they plan on making an event to test first.

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In what exactly? Japan is still completely dominating US, especially at higher BRs.

The reason it’s requested a lot is because it would introduce a new enemy matchup. Sicily or something would just be new maps, which is cool and all but mostly cosmetic, whereas Manchuria would actually introduce something new gameplay wise.

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Yes I know.

I’m just not interested in Japan vs Soviets matchup. It’s semi well balanced with Usa only. Usa got Cas supremacy, but Japan fighter supremacy so can control the skies. But Usa has tank supremacy (not hard to beat, Japan tanks aren’t good). Smgs are okay both sides as are semis. Japan got best SF rifle, but Usa best lmgs.

It’s an odd balance but it somehow works.

very soon has surprisingly been actually soon for the last updates.+

Bet Super Pershing is finally comming

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That’s what I’m thinking too. They’re adding to Hurtgen, so Super Pershing would be a very easy thing to guess is gonna be added


I’ve been waiting super Persh for so long… better late than ndver, as they say :expressionless:


Right? I wanna bully some Tiger II’s with a long 90

What BR is Ardennes ?
I rarely see it as BR2 Axis Europe Server. :neutral_face:

All of them.

Screenshot from 2024-09-05 18-36-38


i guess BR4 and BR5 has better odds to give me ardennes thant the rest of BR
so i cant play boltie boltie with noobies there. :pensive:

I would love a French (sub) faction, Battle of France 1940 up to BR ~2.
No fakes, no prototypes, no stretching to BR5, but looks like DF want to do BR1-5 or nothing :frowning:


A seperate battle of France event mode or something would be cool, but I doubt df would want to do that since it would be a sort of return to the campaign system

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Lol, I feel actually so bad for anyone who’s been waiting for Super Pershing.
It’s been ± 1 year since its announcement.

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And before that, I kept pestering for normal Pershing (since the very day we got KT(P))…

I’ve been annoying about this for a whiiiile.

Not as long as bipods, but long still!

Fingers crossed allies get it next major update. It’s overdue.

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first impression.
well done. Looks fantastic and snowy (!)

The suns coming and going - is this a new a feature? can’t remember

Love how infantry-friendly this update is. Giving solid cover of trenches by using concrete blocks. nice!
I also seen you re-worked some old maps in Berlin and Normandy.
Many of us appreciate stuff like this a lot! Keep that up.


What did they change? I noticed that dday has more trees but what else has changed?