Winter Ardennes - Expanding the location

Well, at least you’ll have a proper space to shine. ;pp

We need Aachen


I want the ‘Battle of Sicily’, an Italian style street battle.


The new map should have been generated by refining this unopened area.

That’s pure assaulter map soviets love it xD

Because squad leveling has been broken since merge and still hasn’t been fixed

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So why can’t I see anyone’s rank when I leave a match anymore?
I still know when to leave
Who is this fooling

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PPSh go bbbbrrrr

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Yep there is no other classes in this map xD

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Noice and snowwyyyyyyy:3 !
Also I w8 for more expansions to other theathers eg.:
Stalingrad - Pavlov’s house, smth near Volga river
Pacific - Henderson Field and we have lot of island hoping that can be adopted
Normandy - like Brecourt manor/St.Mere Eglise or Carentan
Africa - Tobruk and some other coastal towns


Honestly adding yet another map for usa/germany was kinda unneccessary. They already got tunisia, ardennes and normandy while japan only has handful of maps which get boring really fast. I hope japan gets the next new map preferrably for soviets vs japan


Seriously. I love the snowy maps, but Japan’s needed a new battlefield (manchuria pls) for ages and we get yet another USA/Germany map, when they already have the most?


Oh, I know these tents. The ones that once “destroyed”, stay as indestructible wooden poles blocking every vehicle in Pacific battles, including Ho-Ri, ant their cloth can suck up infantry inside and never let go. I hope they get fixed before the new maps are introduced.

Other than that, the new area looks great.



I feel like the sky is too blue. Devs should really add more weather effect and make it a grey dull, super cloudy sky. It would help so much with immersion!


The weather is dynamic, it already does that in battles. For the sake of presentation in an update preview announcement, it is better to use clear sky and good lighting instead of greyness

Cool. This is exactly what I had in mind when the first Ardennes map was announced. Bastogne! Hopefully it will be on more rotation than the Hurtgen Forest one. Because I’d rather play this one.


Maybe the player count would increase if they removed end-war equipment from early maps like Rzhev and Stalingrad


Do you have any news about infantry weapons and vehicles can disclose the information?

Gotta wait

Any progress for the super pershing?