Will there be in the near future (weapons, vehicle, nation) French

will there be in the near future (weapons, vehicle, nation) French add in game


There is a French preemie or two

I would like to see britain and italy separated first.


I doubt anytime in the near future, they removed premium squads that had French weapons when the merge happened so they definitely do plan on it eventually, just probably not anytime soon.

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There was a French Moroccan squad which had a French gun but don’t think so we need a new faction not yet at least though I don’t think France would fair well when it comes to tanks whiteout lend lease and if we gonna give’ em American tanks why just not a make it a subfaction but we have to wait for now also I made a post about French weapons I included a lot of stuff here Some French weapons if you are interested

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IF, they put a bunch of French crap in the Allied tree, they had better make it all its own little line so I ain’t gotta deal with their garbage when something else cough M3 cough comes along and I need to unlock it

isn’t sub-faction the same its means its own little line inside the bigger line

That was the Berthier M16 carbine. We also have the MAS-36 rifle available to Germany, and the Chauchat LMG in a Soviet premium squad.

Along with automatic rifles, submachine guns, flamethrowers, anti-tank weapons, and late-game aircraft.

I’d support this, along with Poland. Although we already got their to-be standard SMG as a gold order weapon and BAR variant in a premium squad…
Perhaps we could get unique French event squads that allow you to change weapons and collect said weapons through frequent events.

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Did you check my post I did find quite a bit of stuff a lot of SMGs and a few automatic rifles to be exact 4 though from their SMGs none are worthy of BR4 and end in BR 3

France needs to go up to BR 3 maybe 4 if you give them American gear. Every faction doesn’t need to go to BR 5.

Italy and UK are “subfactions” yet their stuff is in the way of the better stuff

Half of them look like prototypes based on the MAS-38. :joy:

Experimental weapons can be used to fill some gaps I guess, but I don’t think France would be complete enough to even consider BR V to be honest.

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Exacly cause MAS-38 was all french could think of when it came to SMGs

I do believe so thats why Sub faction so it could supplement Western allies in that case it doesn’t need to have every BR full of stuffsome BRs could just be empty

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By the way, the full auto Winchester M1907 is fake. That’s an American police version.

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Aha maybe well its now 3 Automatic rifle

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