It has already been enough time since the apc update but not much has been done. I think there’s a lot of space for some more. Especially since there aren’t any higher BR apcs yet. I get that there’s some solid ones as premium squads but i honestly think that’s a bit unfair to f2p players. Most premium squads are unique but aren’t necessarily “better” than their research tree counterparts, however as for the apcs that’s completely different, i also don’t understand how an apc with a machine gun can have the same BR as the regular apcs. All regular apcs should be BR I, and new BR II ones should be added to the research tree that also have a mounted machine gun on them. The advantage is really unfair in this case. As for higher BRs, i’d suggest more apcs with AT turrets. So far this is only really available for the event sd kfz while no other country other than germany has this. And of course the universal carrier but the boys ATR is borderline useless most of the time.
actually japan and soviets are missing their own event apc…
I don’t think “APCs” or halftracks with anything bigger than an MG should be an APC, they should be a regular vehicle slot. AT gun, flamethrower, artillery, etc
Yes, i also wanted to mention this. Honestly i’m all for a new APC event that contains these two. I think it’s well deserved.
it takes years for let japs and soviets get their own bikers, I wonder how many years it will take get apc event for them xD
Thank you for your post.
I agree. Ive been saying it for years now. WWII was a mechanised war, I want to see that reflected in game.
Instead of spamming heavy tanks that belong in War Thunder, I want more general vehicles.
I agree with your idea of BR I trucks and then BR II or III armed vehicles such as halftracks.
The Allies should have an M3A1 halftrack in tech tree. I also believe we should have a tech tree universal carrier for the British/Commonwealth. There’s unarmed versions, or the Australian OR Canadian variants, the Australian one had a single fixed Vickers machine gun.
Jeeps and similar vehicles should also be added. All would have 1 machine gun.
Willys Jeep
AS42 (foldered)
GAZ 67.
Kurogane 95
For other vehicles here’s an example of the Allies, Id suggest something like:
Studebaker truck (already in game)
Canadian Military Pattern Chevrolet truck
M3A1 Halftrack - 1 .50 cal
Universal Carrier (either Bren gun or Vickers) Picture below is Australian variant.
Foldered option of M3 Halftrack mortar carrier version.
Engineer squad BR II
Ford F30 Canadian military pattern truck/artillery tractor. Can tow field guns and AA guns. Foldered M6 Tractor.
Replenishes engineer build points (max 3 ‘reloads’)

Medic squad BR I
WC54 Ambulance, foldered Austin K2/Y ambulance

For the love of God! my Reds need an APC
Dont get me started, Medic squads would get SOOOO much better if motorized.