Where have all the British & Italians gone

Since I did start playing Enlisted a really long time ago (i.e. long before the merger of all theatres of war etc.) I have quite a few of the old units from the old progression system. Imagine my surprise today, when talking to a friend who has started to play after the merger had happened, when I realized that he actually does NOT have (or can even unlock) most of the British units that we had for Tunesia! For him this is especially bitter, as he likes to have a British line-up.

Would it not be possible to bring those old units back and attach them to British equipment/weapons/vehicles so “newer” players also have a chance to unlock and use them?

If that option is impractical, would it at least be possible to use the “change appearance orders” to:

  • allow players to change the soldier’s appearance to make them into British soldiers if they give them British weapons
  • allow players to change the unit designation to a British one to fit the soldiers appearance, gear, weapons and vehicles

I really think some people would like that option AND it gives players the possibility to use their change appearance orders for this (and the company would probably even be able to sell more of those).


I updated the title of the thread to reflect that the Italian units of the old Tunesia theatre of war apparently suffered the same fate as the British ones.


Id also like this option but for Italy. But ultimately I want an independant British and Italian Faction.

They have mentioned something about using Orders to change the name face and voice of soldiers to british/italian but we have gotten no updates since then.

They said they are considering to let plsyers PAY to change the nationality of soldiers…


Oh were Italian units also cut like the British ones? I did not notice that either! In that case absolutely, they should allow the above suggestion for the Italian gear, weapons, vehicles as well.

Like I said it is especially sad for people that like to have a certain line up but now can not.

My friend was really heartbroken when he realized that I actually had full British units that he can not even unlock (like for example the 36th Infantry Brigade → the 1st British Assaulters you had in Tunesia, with the Sten; or even the tank crew of the Cruiser Tank A13 MK II which was the 51st Royal Tank Regiment but now has a US crew).

Think everyone would greatly appreciate if that would be possible to either change or to unlock with the gear (like it should be and has been in the old system).


I’m not entirely sure. I got pretty far in Tumisia before the merge so I cannot tell if I missed out on any Italian squads. What I do know is that I cannot get ANY new italian soldiers so I hold on to mine like gold in a bad economy.


You can check if you look at the new progression tree. Look at what weapons your Italians were issued, and check if they are still connected with that weapon in the new progression system (i.e. if you can get an Italian unit associated with that weapon when you unlock it).

For example here is the old British Assaulter unit, with the Sten and the info “card” one had, associated with that unit.
In the new progression system the Sten does not have any unit associated with it and apparently you currently can not unlock this specific unit anywhere.


Three other examples of the old British Tunesia units, with weapons that now are no longer associated with those units (in most cases the weapons in questions are not associated with any unit)



Also i want this for italians :it::pizza:


Probably included in the (US Pacific) Medic Squad since its a Tier 1 SMG.

We should just be able to get legacy squads, there is zero reason not to.


We should have every squad type for Italians and British 100%.

Some of us actually enjoy WW2 and not “Italian tankers in a Panther disguised as American M10 in Rzhev with sawed off ppsh haha guys we memeing” stuff


Man… I hear you. I hate how campy the game has become. Its becoming a parody of WW2 and not a faithful repesentation any more.


Most Italian and British TT and Premiums squads were cut. Hopefully they receive customization overhaul in the not so distant future.


@ShiftyOrange1 - Ah brilliant, thanks so much for posting that summery of both the British and Italien units that are currently “lost” to new players (and anyone that did not unlock them before the merger)!

@all - I did edit the topic of the thread to include the Italians now, as they are obviously suffering the same fate as the British units, both being cut after the merger.

Think everyone would love to have both the British and Italian “legacy” units back one way or the other, either to be able to unlock them in the normal progression associated with the weapon they carry AND/OR giving players the option to change the appearance of soldiers equipped with British/Italian gear (including the unit designation & icon).

It really makes no sense at all why DF would have taken down all the old squads anyway. Of course, half of what they do makes no sense. I had all the old squads, but took the bait and switch of DF and disbanded them for silver. I ended up with half a million in silver which came in handy, but if I had it to do over again, I would have hung onto a few of them.


The better solution is to add all Squad types and classes for Britain and Italy into the research tree.

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@Luvs2spooge - I actually was about to do the same (since we suddenly only had 4 active units and would not be using similar specialists in most cases to field a broader assortment of units, depending on the situation encountered). I just never got around to it and now am glad I did not do so. Yes, I might not be using them much at all, but IF I feel like it, at least I still have the option to swap them in.

They should definitely bring them back for everyone (to unlock or via appearance change), especially since the units, gear and all are still THERE (many of us Enlisted Veterans still have them!) and would not have to be newly made. I am not a developer, but to my layman’s ears it does not sound like that much effort for them to reintroduce those units in this case?

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Nah the best solution is to make them independant.

Back then, I sold or disbanded everything that wasn’t Allies since I only played with allies. So after disbanding all the squads for silver, proceeded to sell every weapon ect from the Germans, Russians and Japanese, that’s how in the end I came up with half a million in silver, which I dumped all into my Allies so I had level 1-5 squads built and maxed very fast. :rofl:

actually the first squads I played when I first started Enlisted was mostly German and some Russian and Allies. But when I disbanded, I only kept up with the Allies. It worked great then, but sucked when I went and had to start from scratch with the Germans and Russians. :yum: