What warthunder tank should be in Enlisted

that machine is way too OP to add to the game. All players would desert from battle the moment they see one.


I doubt anyone of them would be so quick enough to be able to desert. It would be just pure annihilation. Nothing else.

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Thatā€™s it.

Get rid of all tanks.

Everybody getā€™s Maus.

Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte, that way you include the entire team

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no I dont want to lose my crappy Panzer III B that didnt even take part in Barbarossa let alone battle of Moscow :disappointed_relieved:

Whoaā€¦ Thatā€™s amazing. Never knew that existed :open_mouth:

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would have been a genius super weapon had planes not been invented.
even if it was added to the game, Im 99% sure that 1 random HVAR rocket landing 50 KMs away would still OHK this beast, or just a explosion pack.

back before they were nerfed yea

WWII experimental secret weapon- Russian land battleship KV-VI tank, stalins answer

Itā€™s like huge battleships but actually even more useless.

Ansaldo MIAS/MORAS 1935

a tank so small tankettes make fun of it
a tank so small it has no back
a tank so small it uses a mortar as a main gun
a tank so small you have to crouch to use it

Nonsenseā€¦its not the size, its all about penetration


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Hetzer, Stug IV, Elefant :smiley: