What vehicles would you like to see from War Thunder in enlisted?

God imagine how big a shitshow the archer would be in first person


Flak 37 truck is what Moscow needed, instead of a fourth pz3.

Powerful gun able to eat any Soviet tank with ease…
But weak armour making any Soviet tank able to eat it with ease.

Also, fun, and different.

Kv2 ofc! How could I forget this beautiful thing!


hell no.


You always complain about “too op fire power tanks” yet you want to see a churchill ?


" jokes aside ".

for tunisia, i think it would be interesting.

( mainly for pve though… )

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they didn’t even make a difference in the war, the maps are too small for them anyway.

Semovente M15/42 Contraereo (Italian baby Wirbelwind)

4x belt-fed 20mm, but lightly armored, open top AND, as you can see from the pic, the turret gunner is exposed to infantry fire from the front.

Main drawback: it’s late 1943. Unfit for Tunisia, but fit for an Italian campaign.


I’d like a Bf 109 G with the 21cm rockets


I didn’t touch WT some years… But remember that here were mobile flaks.
So… Yea. I want see more mobile flaks in Enlisted (even if they will aviable only in editor).
Some of they already in game, but unplayable.

AS 42 Metropolitana?
It’s already in editor and a bit works (driver camera is broken & machineguns aren’t usable).


Make Mortars GREAT AGAIN


The counterpart will likely be the first iteration of the tiger…
I see no problem with adding the Church. So like you:

images (13)

Yeah, Churchill in Tunisia would probably be fine, although TBH I think the Panzer III L or M is actually a better match for it than the Tiger. Armour is about the same with the spaced armor on the Pz III, gun on the Panzer III is smaller and the MG is a bit worse, but it is significantly faster.

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sherman 105 instead of jumbo in normandy (I know, not happening but still please devs) and churchill crocodile, also maybe a cromwell that is basically a slightly underarmored sherman with a top speed of 64 km/h (brit squads need some love in normandy)

very very very early sherman in the pacific, countered by the shinoto chi ha in the pacific campaign

Tiger 1H in tunisia

A panzegrenadier squad with a customizable in weaponry sdkz 251 would be great too in german campaigns


No Sherman is bad enough for that to be an even match.

japs have already the holy 20 mm antieverything portable gun and the toilet plunger, if they suffer a bit in this case it isn’t that big of a deal

Please… anything but a pz3 yet again…

It’s unpleasant to use in Moscow, it will be unpleasant to use in Tunisia as well (I really can’t get over hand cranked turrets).

Plus, Tunisia axis could use a lil boost. Their things are a bit underwhelming. A pz3L wouldn’t really be an upgrade over the very decent (at least axis got that good vehicle here) pz4 already available.

I mostly want to see tiger there… because it’s where it made it’s first, very iconic appearance, where it faced many Churchils. Brit tankers had to keep pummeling the cats with their high rof canons… didn’t pen it, but tigers were supposedly so mangled after a while and the crew so concussed (imagine being in a metal box while someone keeps pounding on it) that they bailed out, giving victory to Churchs…

A bit like Stalingrad NEEDED the iconic Kv/T34

Edit: again, I’d be fine with a simple 88 flak truck. Would at least be different… if not, a marder.

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