What to expect from Enlisted developers in the new year

Sell 2 slots for silver, most reasonable considering how expensive silver is.


Yeah, death stacks of people spamming FP5s and P47s isn’t very fun to fight against

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Oh no, you have to hold a button down for a fraction of a second, the humanity!

Can confirm. Was owning nerds yesterday with my buddy. We only lost I think 2 maybe 3 of the several matches we did last night with BR III US with a mix of Normandy, Hurtgen Forest/Dominant Heights, and Pacific

It really isn’t that hard to win when you have at least 2-3 competent players

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The whole point of the Merge was to unify the player base. Why should we refracture it by splitting the queues?

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  • Bonus for playing random faction
  • Being able to choose campaign in some way, I want to play Tunisia with axis and I can’t.
  • Many more maps. (Pacific city map, maybe Manila)
  • A new independent BR with cold war weaponry
  • Boats?
  • More tech tree from minor factions (Italy or UK)
  • Events with War Thunder
  • TNT only for AT or Engineer squads.
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Just use BR I-II and hope for the best. Sometimes you get Moscow, sometimes you get Tunisia. Adding a way to choose campaigns defeats the entire purpose of the Merge

You probably haven’t played much the last few weeks. Normandy and Bulge are now also part of the BR1-3 rotation.

So as a BR2 Axis players you can get a match in:

Which means you have roughly a 20% chance to get Tunisia.

“Just hope for the best” is a garbage advice when you get disappointed in 8 times out of 10.

Since when was Normandy and Bulge unlocked? Never saw that in any of the patchnotes

Look up the last “Making Enlisted a better place”
It should be in the changelog there.

Ah I see it. Weird. Welp, guess Kar98k’s back on the menu boys!

We are hopefully getting at least 1 more slot for premium squads added, bumping the max to 11.

Otherwise, I agree, most non-Para premium squads should have a trooper numbers increase minimum (+1-2 specialist), or maybe a silver currency buff to account for their smaller combat efficiency.

Dont know enough about the rest.

Because the current queue system is not working as it takes away any purpose in using tier 3 and 4 guns as you have the chance to get thrown into a tier 5 game and people just want tier 1 away from 3 and 3 away from 5. And tier 4 is no use as tier 4 is certain to fight tier 5 anyway. Mind you, people on the forums are also complaining about not getting the maps they want and getting the same campaign/maps over and over again. And I actually agree with them.

I think there is potential issues with detaching the weapons from the premium squad troopers - Some of them have weapons not usually available to their class, such as engineers with assault rifles. There would have to be some thought put into how this affects balance overall, and whether to allow it.

On the other hand, I do agree that many premium squads are plainly not worth using, because the lack of soldiers per squad makes them non-competitive.

Perhaps the ability to detach 1 soldier from each premium squad, including equipment, to use in other squads, could be an option. This way the equipment would remain locked to the premium troopers, but mass fielding them would be impossible - Could give them a more “collectible” feel that you can still use, similar to gold order weapons, without ruining the standard meta or removing reason to use regular squads.

Just unnerf semi auto’s and BR III can run BR V perfectly fine. SMG’s can compete and MG’s just take playstyle changes. Heck I think I prefer a BAR over an M1919A6 in some circumstances anyways. And bolt actions can face against semi autos easily enough. Heck some people may prefer them even due to their 1 shot guarantee vs semi auto 2-3

I’d probably take an M1903 over an M1 Carbine any day. Partly cause the M1 Carbine has the same TTK as a pistol, but also the range difference and the efficiency difference. I am more precise with the M1903 than I am with the Garand. I’ll take your head off from far longer distances

All of this to say BR I isn’t useless against BR III, and given some basic skill which by BR III you should have, BR III can compete with BR V. The only time these statements are false are when your teammates suck and can’t kill anyone, so you’re left fighting the entire enemy team from all directions at once. Point and case, second objective on D-Day

Besides, the way it was envisioned, it was supposed to be mainly I’s and II’s with some III’s to supplement. With high tier being mainly IV’s and V’s with some III’s to supplement. III being evenly split between the two. Some matches you have fun seal clubbing, some matches you may or may not sweat your balls off. Balance. As is though, with the entire playerbase stacking Germany, all III’s end up in IV-V lobbies because there is no one playing IV-V Allies because “muh balance” or whatever

I’m on the same page as you are. Hell when I’m with friends, I just bring my tier 2 bolties into tier 5 lobbies to stomp on max levels. However me and my friends like to see snowier Soviet maps get ppSh and avs action and start fighting higher level Soviet teams. And it being reasonable instead of as-44 and fg 42 with king tigers in Stalingrad.

They were trying to do us that favor with the Preferred Map System
But then the entire playerbase crapped the bed and demanded the devs turn the game into War Thunder: Infantry Edition
Now here we are, with the playerbase whining and complaining about the system they asked for

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At this point this is how I feel at BR5 and the only thing I could wish for is that there was more fire and more destruction instead of just going halfway.



I’m sure you do, local crazy man. Lol

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I know game changing stuff and all I want for the Germans is an MG with more ammo and no dispersion in the Americans have proper iron sights in AA guns not to be nerfed and be brought back to the way they used to be

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