What the rarest gun you ever encounter post merge?

Berdan not a single person is using that even for the memes.



Also it seems only i’m still using

well i mean yea this thing is rare since it suck but nowadays maybe it not so bad (still probably wont see it anywhere in br5 tho for me personally)

no i use that every time i play soviet it pretty good

got my hand on it once and it pretty nice tbh even tho it damage a bit low imo

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I’ve never seen a Springfield M1903 Air Service wielder to this day.

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Oh yeah, good times - back when bolt actions didn’t kill in one shot, that single shot no magazine rifle had good damage.

Still - I do also think I have never seen it after Moscow beta times

I have a buddy that uses these on his pilots, loves it for some reason xD

Speaking of piltos

I only have one, apc driver gets it at br2, wish I had more they're pretty good

My rifelmen in the APC soviets br2 have them, when I get a kill with it it's hilarious


 big mistake

It got buffed somehow and now slaps in low br. what’s particular about that S&W, is that it DOES NOT have any recoil. like at all. found it has decent precision too
 you should have held on to them.

hold my vodka. I use it br3!

Berdan2 is such a CHAD weapon, that only a distinguished gold order soldier, using gold plated pistol, is worthy of using it.

light rifle is like the german vg1-5 to me pretty good now tbh maybe i will buy 1 when it return (for collection purpose)

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the S&W is a beast. I regret not buying more
 it’s even better than axis vegetable as it got no recoil whatsoever (even if weaker round)

it’s a headshot machine.


Same, I gave it to my p47 pilot as secondary.

What is axis vegetable?

VG 1-5 he most likely turned VG to vegetable


I thought it’s some legitimate slang I just haven’t heard yet. :joy: thanks.


The gun is honestly fine. I love the goofy gold orders like this one.
Nice to collect and offers something unique.
Run 4 of them in my event radio squad.

Gun is tbf not that bad in close quarters.

But it becomes pretty bad over 50m, cuz of dispersion. So one-tap like I do in the video won’t work. More efficient is to waste half of the mag fast-taping on distances like this (but obv not an ideal solution).

And there’s a breakpoint ∌100m when it becomes unusable.
The dispersion kicks in massivley and you will start to hate yourself, the gun and the game.

the berdan rifle

Everyone here talking about gold order weapons, but the only gun who is years nobody use anymore is the gewer98 of the TT, I never saw someone use it outside me from Stalingrad release


goofy squad I have in rotation sometimes. One of few bolt-action snipers I use. It’s very elegant and smooth.


I use it for variety