quite sure it did → merge.
But why don’t we see such imbalance in some games that have more HA?
Simply abandoning a significant element of a game simply means the devs didn’t have the wisdom to handle it.
And it doesn’t seem to be more balanced after the merge.
Nonsense. It fixed everything.
I’ll say the game should be a pve main with historical accuracy within the least tolorance of balancing with a little pvp factor
Games like HLL ? Could say the single biggest reason is somewhat competent playerbase.
Bipods soon
Id say they are, dont get me wrong balance is still fkd up regarding BR 1-2 for example.
But still much better than what we had.
My favorite so far.
Because none of this existed before.
Devs dont want and most people dont want it if it means getting al-buttfucked as non-SU before 1941 and non-German post 1941.
The realistic mode isnt really historical and is still determined by performace. Its just “coincidence” that 80% of early shit stuff is early/ pre-war. But it still doesnt stop Cold War from popping up in Finland matches.
Simulator or however its called… never really played it and dont know anyone who really spent time there.
At the end, its still the same. They could make normal numbers and it would be mostly the same. Its only the queues that matter and WT has a bit more there than Enlisted.
And thats bad because…
Lets not pretend that people used diverse arsenals before.
Not like the old constant ez winning of Germany together with German air superiority and bombers and masses of FG42s was less ridiculous.
Not really. Only issue seems to be US with shitty end-gear stuff and buggy IS-2. Other than that, Moscow, Tunisia and even Normandy makes more fun because people dont lol-cow with T-34s and Shermans/ gap of equipment.
What are you even talking about? Maps are still shit but if Russians cant camp so much with T-34s or Germans with Tiger Es in D-Day, so let it be it. If they cant win without greyzones, I dont see BR to blame here.
So many?
There are like three left and all of them are not free and realistic shooters.
You cant have costs if it never existed.
You mean those 10+20 Facebook plebs?
Wont be missed?
Who cares?
I want HA. How? I dont know. Someone else should do that.
Which Im pretty sure was about HA and not about a deeper gameplay.
Whatever that means.
No shit.
They do and still say it.
I would like to see the Arcade and Realistic modes in WT introduced, as well as PVE Instant Battle and Campaign modes.
Yeah, I know that’s a tall order with the way they are merging and raking up the player base…
But I think that’s the kind of final solution that should be taken eventually.
what mechanic ?
If you really don’t care, you won’t comment at all.
In your comment:
- Almost every my sentence is taken out of context.
- Full of assertions without a derivation process, sometimes even forgets how to use words.
- Knows nothing about certain parts of something but persists in making a generalized assessment
- Failure to recognize the underlying logical connection between two objects
- Demonstrates a sense of superiority by belittling and labeling specific groups of gamers
- To negate any merit of the whole thing by a few special examples
- ……
There is only one answer, the Freikorps are still fighting.
Judge me. It doesn’t matter. The future of Enlisted will acquit me.
Every sentence of yours is an example, it is better for you to find out which one is NOT, so that it is more economical to save pen and ink.
I like to watch things that are not important but funny.
Logical fallacies are common on the internet anywhere. Just want to remind others to discern them, not you.
Source ?
I dont care for anecdotes. Player numbers did not drop on a scale, but the bot numbers dropped.
So why should we care about some random dudes that have no impact on the player numbers (so far)?
If this HA 2.0 community is so big, why didn’t the numbers drop on a notable scale? Why are the likes on the forum regarding historical-accuracy-immersion-whatever mostly capped at 10?
But fails to state any example. Got it.
Well. I can only work with what I get and that’s not so much despite 2k word count.
But fails to state any example. Got it.
Puh After all those fancy rants ehm statements, the private messages, or the alt-flagging, I’m pleased to see that you still can’t get from that sweet moral high ground.
That’s what is called backing up arguments. May apply that beyond your wannabe-academic smart shitting.
But I am really sorry that I used examples to show what I mean/ back up my words. How dare I?
I think the Freikorps were a bit larger than the HA 2.0 Enlisted Facebook Group.
Let alone more successful.
So why even bother to reply?
Yeah… would be the first time, you are right so you should not bet on you, sir.
Same did not sign up for hard core mlg type game too much that trash on market as is
graveyard of dev killed games.
Kinda late to realise that.
it only started to be that after the merge. before it was casual play game and even a losing battle was fun now every match is one sides to Exstream even wining is not fun
Yeah because as we all know the Germans already had rocket launchers in Africa and a Italian tank modification that was deployed in Italy mid 1943. And we also all know that the Russian still deployed a battle rifle from the Great War in 1945 despite the last chunk of them being lost during the Winter War and severe lack of ammo for it. Or that the US deployed masses of weapons and the first P-38 which were all phased out and somehow landed with a tank that wasnt in France until September 1944. Or…
Oh gameplay is the issue?
Yeah, the FG42 was NEVER spamed before merge. Before the merge, everyone had the sanity and just used is in paratrooper squads which is why we rarely saw it. Same applies to phosphor nades which DF nerrfed before merge because of fun… or flamethrowers… or rifle grenades… or drum and AR weapons… or other SF rifles… or…
It was totally different… somehow… I guess. Funny mental gymnastics.
Oh ja. Soviet players couldnt get enough of constantly losing Berlin… or German before in Berlin… or Americans/ Germans in Normandy depending on new toys… or…
Im pretty sure the 2:1 player ratio in Tunisia was because people didnt had enough fun constantly losing as Germany which is why they kept playing Allies or switch campaign.
That was really fun.
Real mental gymnastics to the point of greenwashing the shitty past.
your clearly a gijin paid Shil so i don’t care what you say. no matter what someone’s complaint you praise the game blindly. And preach their saint hood.
Yeah because Im cleary getting paid for calling their past three years of development a failure and marketing lie and their merge a modest success in terms of numbers for DF level.
You got me, mate.
You want to know something ? PPSh-41 35 rounds has 0.25 (0.21 max) dispersion, it’s known from god know when, but maybe during release of Berlin Campaign which is SUPER old (stopped before they released berlin public) while most soviets smgs have between like 0.8 to 0.7 dispersion. IT HAS almost same dispersion as the AVS-36 maxed out, a Select fire rifle. It’s nuts
Heroes & Generals did had a matchmaking system, with bronze, silver and gold matchmaking, but it’s like older stuff and i didn’t remembered how it worked