We've Collected Your Questions!

Doesn’t have to be. They’ve been running near constant events for a couple months now.

Yeah but repeats for new things only happen rarely. I say 7 months, because there hasn’t been a new paratrooper one in 7 months.

What I mean there though is each one can only have one “Grand Prize” Commando, and that Commando will be of a certain nationality. if I wanted a German commando, for example, I might have to wait for the fourth Event, then to get a second German I’d have to wait another 4, then another 4. It could potentially take me 12 months just to get a single squad of 4 German commandos.

“Because it wouldn’t be “FOMO.” If they did it the way I’m suggesting, the ability to get another Commando would come up again “in a few weeks.””

That’d still be FOMO. You either play then and there to get that very guy, or you never get it and have to wait for the next time they feel benevolent enough to run something similar.

That’s why I suggested that the squad also be accessible as a Premium.

So you’re again just advocating for the FOMO event… You either do the event right now or pay. That’s literally their current monetisation strategy. What you’re suggesting, and what they’re doing, is the same thing.

or make the premium version FILLED and let the Event version be built over time.

Then the premium one would just be p2w.

A lot of the event rewards are appearance change orders and silver.

None of the main rewards in the current Reinforcements Received event are appearance change orders or silver.

“Yeah. That’s kind of the point.”

Yeah… so you agree that your suggestion is to just make the FOMO events worse by removing any ability to skip a day to unlock everything. Where’s the point of contention then?

I would like to read something like “we are working on implementing map select and game mode select”…

And something like “we will implement a queue just for BR 3” or (hint) something like “we will eliminate BR 3 and half of that current BR will go to BR 1-2 and the other half will join BR 4-5, this way there will only be two queues”…

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It will be, there was an announcement recently - it would be available in a “Veteran’s Box” of some sort - no concrete details yet, tho

That is stupid idea because not everyone gets to play a whole 20 minute battle straight since people got life stuff to do which interrupts them.

Another reason is because some maps, faction, or gamemode is pretty shit from what I heard as a big reason for them to desert.


I’d really want to see most of these improvements coming, as I previously mentioned. It is needed:


And ad the following pls

One or two players stay in grey zone is fine. But sometime most players of attcker stay in grey zone, that is a big issue. I just had one few days ago. 200 forces left when 25 mins timer started to count down.

Wonder when you can fix the soilder sliding issue. Soilders slide when you switch between them. It really annoying while you are fighting. Your first soilder dead, you switch to the next one. You aim the enemy as fast as you can, then your soilder slide 1 meter, so you miss the shot and get killed again.

Panzerfaust 100 can take out tanks up to 200 meters distance reliably.

Now the US doesn’t have a high BR AT launcher, but other than that, Greyzone camping has never been a problem to begin with.

Punish desertion? And what happens if I get a game mode that I’m NOT interested in (conquest, train mode, in my case) will I be punished for abandoning the game I don’t like to play?

And, in addition, losing any booster I may have. It’s still incomprehensible why you don’t add something as basic as game mode selection and map selection. Incomprehensible.

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If you take a look at our latest news post where we answer your questions. it specifically says:

We’d like to clarify that this penalty will be introduced alongside other planned matchmaking improvements.

We understand your (and many others’) concerns, hence why we we have said we are going to directly address the reasons players leave games first (with a preferred maps system, new group vs group matchmaking rules, a “join any team” XP & silver bonus, etc), and only AFTER will we be adding any desertion penalties. :slight_smile:


Lol it is not like every faction and every br has it.

There is also Japan.

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Yes, I have read it, but the “game mode selection” part is not clearly explained, in fact it is not even mentioned, only the “preferred maps” part is mentioned.

But oh well, I hope satisfactory measures are taken and there can be those selections (of game mode and maps), as all online multiplayer games have. Thanks.

One, as already mentioned, the Panzerfaust isn’t available to everyone.

Two: even if it were, it’s not relevant to my point: the fact that the greyzoning tank is being protected by a game mechanic. That is just ridiculous. If I can get a soldier to get behind the front line and up to the tank to take care of business, I should not be stopped by an arbitrary exclusion zone, only affecting me and my team, that kills me before I get there. That’s abusing a game mechanic, pure and simple.

The greyzone, as it is, rewards an abusive play style. You don’t want enemies walking up to your tank? Get your team to cover you. Don’t expect the game to do it for you.

But it would not, what you describe is immortality inside of your spawn area.

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Actually during beta the team actually did do exactly that.

AI was strong enough to make it very very difficult for rambo style single players to push through the lines.

do you know why devs dont give timelines? cause they are extremely easy to miss and then you have angry players demanding the announced feature. players may forgive devs if it happens once or twice, but if it happens often… it is extremely easy for problems to happen and for deadline to be needed to be extended, so it is better not to have deadline. just look at the 2023 roadmap.

you mentioned only silver bonus.

there is big difference between xp and just silver bonus.

btw that bonus better be bigger than 50% cause stacked faction are almost guaranteed 50% bonus by winning match.

I have a question. What about Camouflage?New Camouflage for German (Premium-)Tanks

Super stoked about this.