why you need armor when you have free crew at dispose, other tank at BR II have armor ?
are we playing the same game ? i’m pretty sure everyone could tell this isn’t the best smg but alright
almost the same while one has a 5 clips reload and the other an detachable mag ?
remember me how many ammo in the mag for the ppsh ? oh yeah 71 and don’t have the insane recoil of the kiraly wich by the way this one shouldn’t have …
pps has higher rof than m1 and those mp38/40 if we follow your logic of the more Rof the better the weapon is
I like japs get motorbikes, however,it’s a bit lazy move give them a that aircraft machine gune one when in the specifications they say it was able to use: type 11,type 96 and even type 99
I am thinking of this again and started wondering - why not unlock picking up second slot weapons fromm enemies? Instead of putting “captured” weapons straight ito the tech tree, let players capture them with their own soldiers in battle, wouldn’t that be nicer?
no. it would create toxic game play of killing specialist soldiers and trying to scoop up there weapons. without consideration for things like playing the objective or supporting team mates. also it helps factions with strong tech trees (Germany, Russia) by letting them have good weapons and punishes thinner tech tree (US, Japan) by forcing them into dangerous gameplay. doesnt almost all ussrs at weapons come from germany which is great but giving us one more nope thats broken.
looks far cleaner and I like it.
hope the recoil will be improved and then it might be a good (not overpowered) weapon. with the actual recoil and dispersion it’s not good - just good looking.
I liked the first version better. One of the best proportions in circle type US sights in Enlisted, now it looks like a basketball hoop. Same as in Garand - stupidly enormous.
At least we will be able to see all the dispersed bullets flying around our target.
I don’t think USA needs a captured Panzerschreck and another 30 caliber pseudo AR along with two broken ass Premiums that have a 30-06 MG-42 clone and a 7.63mm Thompson.