Big maps/play area!
Big maps/play area!
M1944 Hyde is supposed to have 1200RPM, theyve nerfed it to a more survivable 980 apparently, so deff dont ask for historical stats mate . As for reason, obv missing AR for USA and this is the only reasonable add; but furthermore enough players are waiting for Assault engineers for USA/JAP event and there needs to be an AR here for them to use.
Totally fair point here, just that we’ve already moved into proto system to address faction imbalance, this shouldnt be a surprise for year+ now.
2nd 105mm Ho-Ri, 150mm pen Chi-Ri II with potentially an auto-loader… I dont know, potentially they got the best equipment of patch to spam for JP Armor boys. Plus new map that might allow much better JP armor play vs island spam
you know PS and Squad 44 are the same game right?
also PS is almost dead game (200 players with a 400 cap)
and HLL has a similar player count with enlisted
‘Kid’ Roblox players: So the Americans get semi auto Garands and the Germans are stuck with 5 round bolt actions. Okay cool, thats realistic.
‘Mature’ Enlisted players: OMG nooo where’s muh balance?!
… and compared to the StG44: Is that fair?!
Btw wiki says 600-1200
M2 Stinger with absolute unhistorical stats, T20 madness (FG42 fix finaly came as answer) and now the M1944 clusterfuck. Combined with the sheer rocket spam. Ah what a lovely mess
Big play area!, the playground of the Rat tanks!!!..All these big heavy tanks become the prey
Just some examples. People managed and still manage to destroy enemy equipment with their own historical weapons. I wonder where this magic comes from.
Do we have some H&G Veterans here? How did they engage the enemy and how did they manage to kill/destroy them with their OWN weapons?
Its stupid too because of broken matching making. Every Allies BR III battle is against BR V Japan.
So while Allies do technically have the BS prototype T20 rifle… we never get to use it while Japan gets to spam its BS Type Hei assault rifle thing and we’re stuck with bolt action .303s…
HNG had panzer fausts in boxes around the map…up for grabs
Squad 44 and HLL just flank…easy to do in wide maps
Yeah Japan’s full of so many sweat lords that it won’t matter for them
And in Enlisted, the people are crying for unhistorical/fantasy stuff. My kind of humor…
H&G is the worst example cause you could literally buy enemy weapons after using them enough when you picked them from dead body…
this stopped being a thing 2-3 years ago. only uniqueness was that US and later japan had weak spots in their TT.
kinda pointless when we already have bunch of fantasy equpment that has been in the game for years already.
faith in emperor.
Tenno He-ka Banzai!
It is not too late to stop this mess.
It started way back, true. But after every update the loss gets bigger and bigger. Next year we have one combined TT and just pick our nation I guess…
HLL has some weird autistic way to balance things especially their tank combat (HP simulator go brrr) even with their handheld AT, for example the panzerschreck can not pen the side of a jumbo or jumbo 76 as it’s marked as a heavy tank, the m5 stuart can’t take on a tiger 1 because of the class difference. HnG’s rocket launchers were similar stat wise (panzerschrek had 110mm of pen at most while m9a1 had 115mm, amplulet had 120)
I agree.
And its a shame too because as tech trees are filled especially BR IV and V with prototype or fantasy weapons it reduces the chance of factions/squads like France or China because people claim they wont have enough tech.
I made a post arguing for a separate France-Poland-Belgium-Netherlands tech tree. I am confident in combination of all those 4 nations there would be more than enough tech for a solid BR I-III, maybe IV tree. But because the highest ranks would require American tech or prototypes haters argue against
It ain’t that hard to fight Jap’s IV-V with Allies III. It’s a bit of a pain, but it ain’t hard. You have to be ready to sweat your balls off in those matches. If you’re not, then go back to BR II
Its wrong and you know it. Japan spamming SMGs and assault rifles with their fantasy high rank weapons spamming HE. They cant be beat.
It just shouldnt happen. And by the way the whole point I moved from BR II to BR III was because BR II Allies weapons were hopeless against constant uptiers.
BR III Allied weapons are a lot more capable, we just need to stop uptiers. Im definitely not the only player wanting BR V to be its own thing and that has nothing to do with any ‘skill issue’, its common sense. Let the assault gun fairytale weapon tryhards have their own BR.
No, it ain’t wrong. Put some elbow grease into it. The BAR is fully capable, the Thompson’s are fully capable, and the Garand is about as good as a semi auto gets. Not to mention the M9 makes quick work out of just about any armor if given the chance, and the M4A3 (105) is a monster at anti personnel. I run entire III-V lobbies with just these small arms, and occasionally bring out the 105 cause HMC’s/SPH’s make me feel some sorta way
Fighting V Japanese equipment wise is easier than V Germany, but player wise is the biggest pain in the game. All you gotta do is put the effort into it
Also the M3 Grease Gun and SBD-3 Dauntless are fully capable of handling BR II-III. I wish they didn’t do the M1 Carbine so darn dirty like they did